Dustin profile picture


What can I say

About Me

Name: Dustin
Birthday: 7/28/81
Birthplace: Houston
Current Location: Houston
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 6'5
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage:
The Shoes You Wore Today: nb
Your Weakness: to many
Your Fears: um....
Your Perfect Pizza: Cheeze
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: getting through this semester
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: yea
Thoughts First Waking Up: its a new day, damn i gotta go to work!
Your Best Physical Feature: you tell me
Your Bedtime: very late
Your Most Missed Memory:
Pepsi or Coke: Dr. pepper
MacDonalds or Burger King: whataburger
Single or Group Dates: whatever
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee:
Do you Smoke: Cigars
Do you Swear: sometimes
Do you Sing: dont wish that on anyone
Do you Shower Daily: yes
Have you Been in Love: yes
Do you want to go to College: still there
Do you want to get Married: someday
Do you belive in yourself: yes
Do you get Motion Sickness: no
Do you think you are Attractive: sometimes
Are you a Health Freak: no
Do you get along with your Parents: Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: yup
Do you play an Instrument: HAHA
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Dont get me started...wat to often
In the past month have you Smoked: yup
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no
In the past month have you gone on a Date:
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: no
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: yes
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: no
In the past month have you been Dumped: kinda
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no
Ever been Drunk: YES!!!
Ever been called a Tease: yes
Ever been Beaten up: no
Ever Shoplifted: no
How do you want to Die: having the time of my life
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: business owner
What country would you most like to Visit: any
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: blue
Favourite Hair Color: any
Short or Long Hair: depends
Height: any
Weight: slim/athletic
Best Clothing Style: any
Number of Drugs I have taken: 1
Number of CDs I own: way to many
Number of Piercings: 0
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of things in my Past I Regret: a few

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

My Interests

Car and Home audio Is a big deal to me. I like to figgure out how things work. Water sporst, auto racing, anything that can be fun!!!! Partying, Drinking with good friends, going to the beach, of just being spontanious, and making the best of my life while I am here on this earth! I love offshore racing and I am thinking of going to yat and marine design school after i graduate to design stuff like this.

I'd like to meet:

People who are original!!!!!!!! People that are trustworthy and loyal.I am here to live my life and have a great time doing it! I like to hang with people who are true frends. Life is a broken road, enjoy the many paths that life will take you down, cuz its life. Dont be scared to live it!
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I enjoy all types of music. Music is life. I am not a musical person by nature, But I love how good music can provoke emotion in a person! I prefer rock (metal, alternative, punk, etc.)I will listen to oldies 80¡¦s country, classical, GOOD rap, and SOME pop. But what I cannot stand is today¡¦s rap. Is it me or is rap getting lazier? It seems to be 90% GIMMIC. I could make a video w/ some BLING BLING, ¡§BITCHES, HOES¡¨ a Bentley or FERRIRI, and SOME MONEY flashing. Put all of this crap together w/ some repetitive music and words and I think I could make the TOP TEN! Where is the TALLENT at? Not saying I hate it all but give me a break this new crap is a joke plane and simple!!! But my favorite bands have to include 311, Deftones, weezer, Breaking Benjamin, Drowning pool (R.I.P.) ƒ¼, adema, flaw, cold, incubus, ETC.


anything funny or with action both is even better! a


my math and psyc. book other than that, only when I am forced to!


My beautiful girlfriend Alaina,My friends, My Parents, GOD. Anyone that has ever been there for me. ..

My Blog

All Is Forgiven........ Default

All Is Forgiven........Default Artist: DefaultAlbum: One Thing RemainsYear: 2005Title: All Is Forgiven As If the wait was not enough And one can only take so much You broke into pieces seems hopl...
Posted by Dustin on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 10:04:00 PST

Here is to a new year!!!!

Well today is the start of the rest of my life!!!! I had a very rough start to this year! Last night every worked its self out for the best. The people that know how things were going, I am fine now. ...
Posted by Dustin on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 10:54:00 PST