in no order ...Stan Lee,Phil Jackson,Captain Spaulding,Willem Defoe,Jack Torrance,Cillian Murphy,Eddie Brock,Thomas Hewitt,Patrick Bateman
American psycho...
the shining, boondock saints , secret window, devils rejects(love blood and gore)the saw movies, friday the 13th series,land of the dead, dawn of the dead,Texas chainsaw movies, clockwork orange,28 days later
like all comic movies, spider-man 1&2, daredevil, hulk , punisher,fantastic 4,all the x-men movies, sin city ,hellboy
hate it, hate sitcoms really hate realty tv.first off its not real second i believe that its the down fall of our civilization as we know it and I'm pretty sure its the first sign of the apocalypse
i just stick with cartoons,Simpson's, south park, sea lab,family guy
i read all the time to much to really mention anything, plus most things i read i hate so i don't really have any favorites
.......just spidey