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Some recent press !Melanie McLaren won the Best Actress Prize for her protrayal of "Jolene". The award was given out at the 1st Annual Talking Stick International Film Festival, June 26th, 2008. (Sante Fe, New Mexico, USA). "McLaren is a screen newcomer who delivers a totally fresh, head-turning performance." Globe and Mail - Jennie Punter "Despite being a relative newcomer to the big screen, her performance in Tkaronto is superb." The Toronto Sun - Liz Braun "The film is smart and sexy and arresting, and the performances (especially from Melanie McLaren as Jolene) are terrific." Toronto Sun - Liz Braun "Both lead actors give great performances; it's delightful how intense, respectful and fun they make their relationship. Thankfully, we spend most of our time with only those two. It's in those moments that the film shines." Ottawa Citizen - Mari Sasano

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