I want to do EMT classes so I can be knowledgable and help people.. gotta do what you can with life!!
Im a redneck country girl nothing wrong with that
I love horror movies. nothing better than snuggling up with you honey for a scary movie. Gives all the more reason to cuddle!!
When you have a kid you favorite shows become theirs.. YOu learn all the darn songs and their so short they stick in your mind or hours!!
My sexy firefighter and my family for helping me through so much and helping me up when im down. I love you guys!! I can never forget all the times you have been there for me Tim, You were there for me the night i gave birth even though you only found out a few hours before and you were there after words and your still around for me when i need you. I know I am your love and I love spending time with you dont ever make me think otherwise.