BERTODAGREATONE profile picture


Never trust a snake..........Trust me!!

About Me

what do you wanna know? if so, add me to your msn, [email protected]. na es trip, im a cool person, me gusta la wrestling, el gym, y janguiar en un buen ambiente

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My Interests

a big fan of wrestling and basketball, also like to be picaito when drinking, and have some fun........

I'd like to meet:

nice and gufia people


all but not that god damn it reggueton!!


el vacilon the movie, celestino y el vampiro, perico ripiao


25 pulgadas


Sex,Lies and Wrestling


el chapulin colorado

My Blog

Thieves of Dreams

What do they steal? Why do the steal? Havent They their own? Where? Everywhere some child or inocent one has left them unprotected not of ignorance or shallow thinking. They aren't hidden due to love,...
Posted by BERTODAGREATONE on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 05:41:00 PST

Enter my world where I create my own rules and live the life the way I want to

"They try to destroy me... wishing I would just go away. But what is it-- what have the really done? The simple minds of mortal men, they sent me back to the place that is my origin. Destroy me? ...
Posted by BERTODAGREATONE on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 04:06:00 PST