polaroids, Van Dyke prints and cyanotypes, vintage cameras, projects, books, red wine, x-rays, green things, fruits and vegetables, rotting wood, heat, people watching, other languages, road trips, vacations and leisure days with Sara, sleeping in with Bradon, Emily's cupcakes, my bike, dancing by myself, making out in photo booths, picnics, hot showers, amber, eating with my hands, neologisms, laughing till I wanna puke on you, sarcasm, pirates, disguises, discovery, education, endocrinology, hugs, independence, fucking dirty language, back massages, and of course fake mustaches.
Kiki Smith
I'm so behind! Recommend something good to me.
Joyce Carol Oates, Nabakov, Vonnegut, photography books and monographs, Gray's Anatomy, Books of Hours, foreign language dictionaries, Le Courrier international, Edward Gorey, Marjane Satrapi, The Time Traveler's Wife, Kiki Smith: Prints, Books & Things, books on how to make books, world atlas, Mad Libs, Jazz by Toni Morrison, Short Cuts by Raymond Carver, To Kill a Mockingbird, Baudelaire, Henri Michaux, Ann Sexton, Sylvia Plath, gruesome fairy tales, Youth in Revolt, aperture magazine, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, David Sedaris, and too many to remember and list
Sally Mann