BROKEN SYMMETRY profile picture


About Me

Broken Symmetry is now a duo of founding members Thompson / Hughes who have been working on new sounds for future performance material since their last show at City Skies in May 2009. "We have obtained new gear in recent months, which we are excited about and are in the process of tweaking patches and composing new materal" said Doug. One recent session is now in the music player to give you some idea of were they are headed.Background on Broken Symmetry: Doug Hughes partnered with Mitchell Foy in Tenth To The Moon from 10/2001-02/2009 playing synths and occasionally percussion. Prior to that Doug played drums for Keith Lee's Liar's Club, which led to a one time reunion of the great King Kill 33' at The EARL -03/2001. Doug made his stage debut at the Destroy All Music Festival in 1988 playing guitar with the band Album 88, and the following year in Fluid Transmission, both featuring an assortment of WREK hangers-ons and DJs. Doug was a founding member of My Evil Twin, which recorded for the Perimeter Christmas compilations in the late 80's through 1993. Doug began in the late 80's by recording/mixing tapes of found sounds, mixed with crude digital samples and loops of guitar effects. Guitar gradually became the primary focus, he also plays drums, bass and synthesizers.His Solar Wind studio became the recording arm for the independent label Perimeter Records, assembling the Annual Perimeter Christmas compilation, a free promotional cassette, released between 1987-1993. This tradition was continued by Hughes in '96-'97 under the Outer Loop tag. He recorded Pineal Ventana jam sessions for inclusion on their CD releases, as well as hosting the sessions for their 1st demo in 1993.
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Gene Thompson formed a partnership with Hughes in the late 80's, recording and performing for Perimeter Records as Thompson/Hughes; this project eventually became Broken Symmetry. Gene also worked with My Evil Twin and Fluid Transmission, playing syn-drums, acoustic drums, sax and violin.He produced four solo albums of electronic music for Outer Loop, melding world music with electronic synthesis, with and without drums/percussion. These releases used a variety of sound samples culled from the internet, which Gene worked into the mix with his own sound creations.While in Boston in the 1980's, Gene was a member of Shut-up, Savage Ohms, Monad and Inner Space, the later of these once opened for Gong in 1979 at the Modern Theater. Gene performed on drums, recording several records with these bands as well as with members of Cul-De-Sac and as a duo with Chris Hanzsik.
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Chris Swartz left the band in January 2009 due to personal reasons; he joined full time in 1999, and the Swartz era Broken Symmetry produced some great material. We wish him well and the door is always open. Chris founded Atlanta's "Perimeter Records" with partner Robert Hollis; they released 3 vinyl albums in the late 80's as Hollis/Swartz on their label. They were notable for performing and recording on home built instruments; exclusively, on their second and third albums Music for Homebuilt Instruments and 11 x 2. The home builts included a variety of percussion and stringed instruments, some inspired by Harry Partch and several other artists; some Chris designed and constructed himself.Chris helped foster the Atlanta underground music scene by releasing annual Perimeter Records Christmas cassettes, which featured many aspiring artists and noise makers, to promote the label. He recently compiled the best of these recordings as a 2 CD release, mailed to many of the same college stations who received the cassette releases in the late 80's-early 90's. Perimeter Records also released full length cassettes and 12" vinyl product, most notably "Nine Underground", a collection of recordings by various Atlanta bands/artists, which was routinely featured on WREK 91.1 FM "Destroy All Music "show in the late 80's. This release includes an appearance by Jarboe, later of Swans and now a veteran solo artist.Chris was a founding member of King Kill 33', as their original drummer. He recorded with Pineal Ventana and performed with numerous Atlanta area bands, including Skeesicks, Disk, 349, Liars Club and My Evil Twin. He also recorded and performed various solo projects and in Eta Carinae, working with former King Kill 33' bassist Donna Smith as an electronic duo.

My Interests


Member Since: 15/09/2005
Band Website: This is it
Band Members: Gene Thompson: Synthesizers, samples, effects, processing.Doug Hughes: Access Virus TI, Waldorf Blofeld, Dave Smith Evolver keyboard, Roland Fantom G6
Influences: Karlheinz Stockhausen, Cluster, Eno, Gong/Tim Blake, 50's electronic experimental, music concrete, early Pink Floyd, 70's electronic soundscapes, early Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schultz, Lightwave, Nik Raicevic, Kraftwerk, Iannis Xenakis, Tod Dockstader, Gyorgy Ligeti, Krzysztof Penderecki, Edgard Varese, Walter/Wendy Carlos, Throbbing Gristle/Chris and Cosey/ Coil, Robert Fripp/Frippertronics.
Sounds Like: Analog and digital soundscapes- ambient to abrasive- themematic and structured, with a palette of influences ranging from 1950's era science-fiction films to 70's electronic space environments with contemporary electronic elements as well. Rhythm is largely arpeggiated and occasionally sequenced; pure spacescapes also develop in performance.Synthesis by: Doug Hughes and Gene Thompson.We are inspired by the experimental sound architects of the past but as avid collectors of music over the years, we have been inspired by many artists spanning the past 5 decades. As we are former drummers, we appreciate the importance of percussion in music, but also believe that music can exist without the element of time and still remain interesting to the listener.The focus is on creating space music that exists as ambient background but which can also draw the listener in by mixing in unique and never before heard sounds. We perform to projected video, selected for the music theme or to otherwise add color to our live sound.To book Broken Symmetry, contact:Doug Hughes
Record Label: Outer Loop Productions____Perimeter Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Winter 2010 update

Gene Thompson and Doug Hughes have been working together on new material in recent months using new gear and working on news sounds. The songs appearing in the music player were recorded live on Sunda...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Jan 2010 11:14:00 GMT

City Skies Electronic Music Festival 2009 - Decatur, Ga.

Broken Symmetry  City Skies 2009 Kavarna - Decatur, Ga.May 7th, 8th, & 9th Appearing at 10:00 pm on opening night, May 7th at the Second Annual City Skies Electronic Music Festival. Kavarna is again t...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 18:53:00 GMT

Chris Swartz

Chris decided to move on this winter for personal reasons and we wish him the best. The Chris Swartz years were among our best and we enjoyed his participation, creative spirit, and focused determinat...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Apr 2009 14:06:00 GMT

City Skies 08 Electronic Music show

City Skies 08 Electronic Music Day Real Electronic Music performed by humans Kavarna Decatur, Ga. Saturday October 4, 2008   The 3 day festival held earlier this year was a great success, so a se...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 20:44:00 GMT

Stockhausen Tribute show: Eyedrum- 02/17/2008

  Karlheinz Stockhausen passed on to the great beyond last December, and we wanted to present our music, which has been inspired in part by his work, for the Stockhausen Tribute show held at Eye...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 13:00:00 GMT

Forbidden Planet

Inspired by the soundtrack from the 1954 MGM film, conceived, written and performed by Louis and Bebe Barron. They designed and constructed their own electronic circuits to create unusu...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 05:10:00 GMT

Atlanta Press review of 1st release "Singularity"

The Atlanta Press May 14-20, 1999: With song titles like "Random Flux", "Particle Waves", and "Filter Shift", the debut disc by this Atlanta group might sound more like a science project. But armed wi...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 10:35:00 GMT