"Unsheathe your sword", she said. He replied "Is the sword the only answer there is?" "I just want you to draw your sword", again she said. And so unsheathe it, he did and strike at him she did. But as she continued to strike at him, he lowered his sword and was penetrated by hers. "Why, oh why did you not protect yourself" she said. "So that you would finally believe me", he replied.(Hero, jet li)
Making fun of all the silly ironies that we hold so dear, and furthering our evolutionary process through nonsense and awareness........
What Kind Of DRUG Am I?
Pure MDMA Powder.
You are Pure MDMA Powder. You are daring, wild, out-going and funny.
Buddah, Jesus, Mohammed, Gishnu, Moses and L. Ron Hubbard in a Battle Royal cage match...Winner takes nothing.....................................................
Everything except country...I hate country...absolutely despise country. Unless it's Devil Went Down to Georgia... that song is pretty good.
Pulp Fiction, South Park Movie, Barnyard Nympho Sluts 6, (don't bother with the first five, they don't measure up.... Speaking of not measuring up, a Priest, a Jew, and a Gook walk into a bar....haha) and probably my favorite magazine roast turned novel turned movie, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas...now, you may say, "how does a man like yourself, that never puts all of his eggs in one basket, carry a chocolate cadbury and fusia swirled, boiled hard yolk around for a man like Hunter S Thomson. A genius who could have continued to enlighten himself and the world with his walk through abnormality but instead was a pussy who didn't want to cope with the pain?" Well, being the antaganistic, protaganist that I am, I can answer that question with another question...(as I tend to do..) How can a person with infinite wisdom and understanding, intergalactic transient gender capabilities and frequent flyer, multi-perceptoral alternate dimension miles, cope with the normal headache trauma of superficial existence in the first place? Let me know if you got anything on that...
It rots the brain and paints your third eye black... that being said, I watch a ton of it. Anything to drowned out the ambiguity, self-indulgence, over confidence, fragile humanness, self-loathing, ego-centrism, cosmic psychobabble that in the end adds up to a lot less than a good line. You know line, like..."What's a nice young chick like you doing in this roosters' nest.... Oh Oh ohohoho that's what your doing...... a line."
Rush Limbaugh's autobiography, "At Least Pills Are Legal", General Lancing P. Notestocle's "The Fine Art of Ethnic Genocide", Mike Tyson's reality book series, "When Nature Attacks" and his new release "Date Rape for Dummies". Oh yeah, and my favorite, "OJ Simpson and the Corpse Bride": a step by step whose who and what's what of Inter-Marital Murder without all the pesky remorse feelings clouding your judgement.. Okay, so obviously not real books... but if they were I would surely read them... No lie though, my personal favorite on the literary line... One Fish, Two Fish. By the great Gynecologist, Dr. Armenieous E. Suess. Just think, if Pedro Masengil had already invented his product that book never would have been written.
Hunter S Thompson, Ghengis Khan, Bo Duke, Gilligan, Jeffrey Dahmer (runs a great restaurant) and Tu Can Sam's proctologist.