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Dr. Carl S Carr

If you don't punch yourself in the face once in a while, someone else will.

About Me

My own being is the source of all of my joy, pain, love and misery, therefore, I am my own penance.
In hell you will dwell, if unpleasant the smell,
And if only venom you swell, while you live life in this shell.
I want to be comfortable just "being me" and I want you to be comfortable, just "being you'. And so if being all that I can be, finds me living a collective singularity, then I will show so much love and quality, that hopefully you will look for that in others, only maybe not in my quantity. In turn our purpose will be good and it will be long, even if I am forced to live in this solidarity.
Self confidence restored, no doubts in my mind.
Positive thinking, the deviant kind.
People have reasons, They do what they do.
If you act spiteful, Then spite will find you.
Betrayed is felt, Betrayal forgave.
Fooled once, You’re in love.
Fooled twice, You’re a slave.
Love that completes, Like the sun to the rain.
Is tough, you know, But it betters your brain.
Teasing and fun, With attention to all.
Loving and Learning, Not being so small.
Step back and be taught, As much as you teach.
Practice your walk, You don’t want to preach.
An Inspirational, a Rational, Irrational
A Poet, a Muse, a Lover, and a lover of Truth
A fan and a cynic of Perceptoral Cloudings
A Projector light and a Door mat
An Irrevocable clown. An irrelevant Sith
A Jester of Positivities, done at times with a pinch of Negative
A LIABILITY to MYSELF and EVERYONE AROUND ME(probably).. ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------
Soothing, whispers, haunting, reaCHING, WANTING, THEN JUST WHEN WITHIN OUR.........................GRasp to find answers, Searching Serviced Souls.......Perplexed begat Puzzled and on to other blunders, MISUNDER/s/ and so on and so forth and here to and within......DREAMS, WINGS, BROKEN and KEPT PROMISES, THEY ARE ALL JUST THINGS....things have no constrictions, things know no bounds... UNLESS of course the sword is sharp on both sides, THEN BEWARY and WORRY of the WORLDLY, not a ton, just a bit..BUT enough that the GRASP fades off like a WHISPER and only in effervescent waves do they EVER HAUNT us again....................................................... ..
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Born a poor black girl in the deep South during the Prohibition Era, I was forced to take up cocoa bean pinching and extreme line dancing at an ungodly age. I spent my youth frivolously persecuting my own Puritan religious beliefs by poking a hot iron into my testicles whenever my mind pondered a thought that didn't begin with "What Would Jesus Do?" Sometimes, even when I did, Jesus would still opt to use the damn hot metal rod... kids and their imaginations, huh..?!?!? All of this self-mutilation was part of an unsuccessful run for martyrdom. Through all of this humiliation, loathing, and adorably humbling vanitacious conceit, I still managed to become one of Forbes hottest Perfect Ten American Idols. Joker, Ironic Insultant Specialist, and Columbian Coffee Kingpin are just jacks of a trade that I never cared about but somehow mastered. Nonexistent, hypocritically overindulgent, and rarely serious, I just try to have a good time, not take myself or anyone else too seriously and pass along that philosophy, without maliciously hurting or screwing over anyone... Now offending, because of narrow-mindedness, an individual with too serious of perceptions is a different story. Always remember, just because you don't have fantasy's of Hare Krishna using a Shaquille O'Neal-sized glass dildo on missionaries in a conversion ceremony to the Baptist Christians' Satanic Chapter only to be on the guest list of the sweet after-parties that go on at Puffy's new Castle in Iraq, doesn't mean that others can't... or don't.... chronically masturbate to these articadualities... Just keepin it real... nonsensical. So, the only "real" advice that I actually give out (and it's usually just to myself) is, don't maliciously wrong anyone (with the absence of EXTREME provocation), but still laugh hard and long at the things that "they" say you are not supposed to. Explore the ground that "they" will not cover. Evolve more than "they" would ever let you. We gotta pick up the gradepoint curve for the fundamentalist-conservative who, in this chapter of the fairy tale turned board game that we call Life, are playing the part of that retarded kid that somehow slipped through the cracks and got into my advanced calculus class... he screwed up my shot at Harvard... Oh no, wait... that was Mike Seaver on Growing Pains. Same point though, which is; let's not let the 50% of this world’s inhabitants, who are retards, ruin our shot at Zen.
You Are 92% Open Minded
You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!
Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.
You don't have a judgemental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.
You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes contradict yourself. How Open Minded Are You? Your results:
You are Superman
Superman 100%
Iron Man 85%
The Flash 80%
Wonder Woman 70%
Batman 70%
Spider-Man 70% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

My Interests

"Unsheathe your sword", she said. He replied "Is the sword the only answer there is?" "I just want you to draw your sword", again she said. And so unsheathe it, he did and strike at him she did. But as she continued to strike at him, he lowered his sword and was penetrated by hers. "Why, oh why did you not protect yourself" she said. "So that you would finally believe me", he replied.(Hero, jet li)

Making fun of all the silly ironies that we hold so dear, and furthering our evolutionary process through nonsense and awareness........

What Kind Of DRUG Am I?

Pure MDMA Powder.
You are Pure MDMA Powder. You are daring, wild, out-going and funny.

I'd like to meet:

Buddah, Jesus, Mohammed, Gishnu, Moses and L. Ron Hubbard in a Battle Royal cage match...Winner takes nothing..................................................... .....................................


Everything except country...I hate country...absolutely despise country. Unless it's Devil Went Down to Georgia... that song is pretty good.


Pulp Fiction, South Park Movie, Barnyard Nympho Sluts 6, (don't bother with the first five, they don't measure up.... Speaking of not measuring up, a Priest, a Jew, and a Gook walk into a bar....haha) and probably my favorite magazine roast turned novel turned movie, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas...now, you may say, "how does a man like yourself, that never puts all of his eggs in one basket, carry a chocolate cadbury and fusia swirled, boiled hard yolk around for a man like Hunter S Thomson. A genius who could have continued to enlighten himself and the world with his walk through abnormality but instead was a pussy who didn't want to cope with the pain?" Well, being the antaganistic, protaganist that I am, I can answer that question with another question...(as I tend to do..) How can a person with infinite wisdom and understanding, intergalactic transient gender capabilities and frequent flyer, multi-perceptoral alternate dimension miles, cope with the normal headache trauma of superficial existence in the first place? Let me know if you got anything on that...


It rots the brain and paints your third eye black... that being said, I watch a ton of it. Anything to drowned out the ambiguity, self-indulgence, over confidence, fragile humanness, self-loathing, ego-centrism, cosmic psychobabble that in the end adds up to a lot less than a good line. You know line, like..."What's a nice young chick like you doing in this roosters' nest.... Oh Oh ohohoho that's what your doing...... a line."


Rush Limbaugh's autobiography, "At Least Pills Are Legal", General Lancing P. Notestocle's "The Fine Art of Ethnic Genocide", Mike Tyson's reality book series, "When Nature Attacks" and his new release "Date Rape for Dummies". Oh yeah, and my favorite, "OJ Simpson and the Corpse Bride": a step by step whose who and what's what of Inter-Marital Murder without all the pesky remorse feelings clouding your judgement.. Okay, so obviously not real books... but if they were I would surely read them... No lie though, my personal favorite on the literary line... One Fish, Two Fish. By the great Gynecologist, Dr. Armenieous E. Suess. Just think, if Pedro Masengil had already invented his product that book never would have been written.


Hunter S Thompson, Ghengis Khan, Bo Duke, Gilligan, Jeffrey Dahmer (runs a great restaurant) and Tu Can Sam's proctologist.

My Blog

The Mind

The mind, oh the merriment! The mutilated meanderings of prosthetic philanderers filled with fables.The insipid escapades of the sensibly senseless elevatist, traveling through his or her history, mov...
Posted by Dr. Carl S Carr on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 07:36:00 PST


I am not a bad human being. Everyday I try to grow, try to better myself and thereby better all of humanity in a slight yet positive way. I try progressing, not by depressing or obsessing but by inge...
Posted by Dr. Carl S Carr on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 04:33:00 PST


You know the thing about suicide in this age is that no one is creative about it. Slit your wrists, shoot yourself in the head, overdose on pills, What's the deal. I mean at least put some pizzazz int...
Posted by Dr. Carl S Carr on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 03:02:00 PST


Too often these days, one mistakes heartlessness for not having a heart. This assumption can, at times mind you, be entirely incorrect. The possibility that the uncaring offender has the understanding...
Posted by Dr. Carl S Carr on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 05:16:00 PST