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Mrs. Huffman

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About Me

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Get Your Own! | More Flash ToysHi everyone. My name is Jennifer. I'm 5'8" and I weigh about 235lbs. the last time I weighed myself anyway, there is just more of me to love! I have dark brown hair almost black that gets lighter with summer. My eyes are usually a hazel color but they depend on my mood. At one time, I, of all people, was a cutter. No, I am not phsycotic...just a little..different. I've had my fair share of heart ache and pain, but who hasn't? I have been to so many schools that it is not even remotely's quite sad really. Let's see shall we: I have been to AVCS (otherwise known as Apple Valley Christian School), I've been to Yucca Loma, Bremen Elementary, Woodview Elementary, Northwood Middle School, Home schooled, Bremen High School, Northwood High School, Flint High School, then back to Northwood High School, then James Madison High School. As of right now I have my deploma from my GED which I take great pride in. I am looking forward to college. Even though so many people say that I'll never make it I know in my heart that I will. I've made it this far so what the hell? Why should I stop now? I've been cheated on but never done the cheating. I am not a virgin my first time was not by choice though. I have smoked pot and done some other choice things. None of any ones business really. If I want you to know I'll tell you. I do drink especially when I am out partying with what friends. I was suicidal at one time. I'm not strong willed. I'm clingy to people that get annoyed easily with me. I can't stand to be alone. I've written two books that are finished and I have already started on their sequals. I'm a very hyper active person and when I get going I don't like to stop until the task is finished. And to add to all of that...I am most likely the shyest person you will ever meet in person. On the internet however I am very very outspoken. And to top all of that off I saved the best part for last. I am so in love with an amazing man that has helped me through so much in such a short time. I'll be with him as long as he'll keep me. Hopefully forever. I love him with all my heart and soul. His name is Bob...he knows who he is and the people that matter know too. And last but most def. not least, I'm going to be a mommy. It's the best news of my life. I can't wait and neither can Bob. It's great.Anywayz, If you read this all the way through well then you rock and maybe we can talk. And if you didn't well then.... - No. 1 Pimp Site - No. 1 Pimp Site

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I already found the one person I've ever wanted to meet.... - No. 1 Pimp Site - No. 1 Pimp Site