hellllo :]
everything starts at the beginning
Im Lauren. People call me that, apart from the special people that call me lory.I dont talk that much. Its not that I dont know what to say, I just dont know how to say it. Definatly not a public speaker. I do have low confidence. I never used to, but after years of people hating me, or finding me annoying, ive taught myself how to blend into the background. That was then. Im trying to get back to the fore ground. If that makes sense. I want to be noticed. I dress to stand out. I like what I wear. If you hate it, even better. Makes me special. which i am.
Msn is over rated. sorry to all you addicts out there. Ebay is possibly one of the best sites ever invented. seriously. its amazing. The internet is out of control. If anything is going to end the world, then the internet is it. Im not paranoid. everyone is just out to get me. lolz. But really. the government knows too much. I like corners. And being at the back of the room. They feel safer. Also, everything has to be in an order. Even if its random order. If you arrange somthing "randomly" its not random. Something made you but it in that random order. Haha im not psyco. Teenage rebellion is great. Partys and nights out are always worth hangovers and forgetting what happened. I say lol waaaaaay too much lolz. hot chocolate with marshmellows and cream is almost as good as prawn toasts. I want to be a doctor, even tho i hate needles. wish me luck with that one. glow sticks at gigs and snow days make me happy. puddles are ment to be jumped in.
summer will bring good times
can't come soon enough