JulieAnn Kulla www.julieannkulla.comThanks for visiting my myspace page!I am a IFBB Figure PRO! I just won Jr. Nationals in Chicago. I won first place in the B Class and the OVERALL Figure. I can't believe another one of my dreams came true. I am beyond thankful and excited and can't wait to step on a PRO STAGE!I want to send a huge THANK YOU to my supplement sponsor, Dave Palumbo and his company Species Nutrition. Check out his amazing products at www.speciesnutrition.comMy passion for the fitness industry has led me to many modeling jobs & representing some great companies. I absolutely love modeling & look forward to working with many more fitness companies, check out my website for my portfolio. www.julieannkulla.comTrain hard everyone & remember anything is possible!" Happiness does not come from doing easy work, but from the afterglow of the satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best."
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