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About Me

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If you like what you hear please add me, itd be great to hear from you-Fans are awesome thingz =)
My names Natty, Most of you will probably know me as "Swampy Boy's" younger brother. ive been loving the whole breakcore thing for about a year now and only very recently started making my own stuff-Since the beggining of 2008. Im enjoying it alot and hopeing some people will be like minded and enjoy it with me=p I hope to someday make some sick swamp-like tunes, but in the meantime ive just got my "epic" gaming soundtracks=p If your a chiptune addict then hopefully youll give me at least a listen=) I want to put some of my own guitar into the songs i make in the future (aaron spectre ftw!) and looking forward to trying out new software and stuff for making music, any advice/critisism on the music is all good so feel free to comment me/message me. I Think im finally finding my style, im drifting away from the more darker side of Tune-making and Starting to make some more happy stuff =) A Tribute to Emmie ^^: Without her my music wouldnt be going anywhere, ever since ive met her my tunes have got better and ive become more inspired. I know she'll keep giving me reasons to make more music and keeep my tunes alittle more happy than they would have been ^___^
IF you want to add my banner (=D) Then copy+paste/wack this code up on your myspace, do this and il love you muchly =)
Here's a video of me playing live (Capslock vs Feyri) there is another video of just pure natty playing on youtube =) (ask collette wright for the link =P) but yeah check it out =)
IF YOU EVER WANT ME TO DO ANY GIGS message me on here lyk =) il be happy to do them fer free 'cause tbh its about the music-if i make money off mai crayz sound il be happy, but playing in front of people knowing they have to pay nothing will make me (and them) even happier xD.
So... Enough about me, heres the music: Its trying to sound epic, hopefully it will eventually. I am still learning/experimenting with different softwares at the moment, ive tryed most except ableton+logic. Im working on some remixes of "normal" songs, theyl be up soon as=) for all you guyz who want some easy listening breakcore. In the meantime il stick with crazy synths and harsh Gabba =p.

My Interests


Member Since: 05/12/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Just an 18 yr old, a guitar, gameboy and his computer
Influences: Emmie
Sounds Like: Being ridiculously epic, high pitched amenz, gabba vengeance, untrustworthy machinery, zelda on a harsh one.
Record Label: Aliens In Your Bedroom
Type of Label: Indie

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