YeA-ErRz SiStaH profile picture

YeA-ErRz SiStaH

WeN u rEaCh mAh LeVeL cOmE sEe mE....

About Me

wElL, wHErE To StARt?....mY nAMe Is YeA-eRrz Sistah. i Am 5'6" WiT BrOwN eYeS, smIlE LyKE dA sUNrySe. I like long walks on...Redwood Road, wit all my phans honking and all dem girlz hatin!! I like taking road trips wit my lil sis peti to who knows where, and if it is a 15 min.'s a road trip! I love kickin it with my sisters Lose, Fatai, n Isa cause i know they will always be there for me...I'm in a relationship with a handsome young man...I'm grateful 4 a boy- friend that honors and respects me and not only me but most importantly his priestood...I have no idea wat i did to deserve him but watever I did it must have been something good....and i would like to thank him and my sisters 4 they have strengthened me spiritually and phsyically, they've taught me so much and 4 that i say thank you..!!

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My Interests

i lOvE hAvINg FUn, KiCKiN' iT wIT tHE YEa-eRr KrEw, sURfINg lEsSoNS WiT jOHnNY TsUNaMI, AnD pLAyINg vOLLeYbAlL aNd sOFtbAlL, ANd Of COurSe AGaIn HavING FuN...i woULd LYKE To WAtCh A ScARey MoVIe n GeT ScaREd!!

I'd like to meet:

aLL oF mY bIGGeST fAnS, and the President of the United States....N dAH PeRSon DaT KaN ScARe MEeeHH!!!


Yung Joc - Goin Down
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fOUr bROtHERS & ANyTHInG dAt mAkEs Me LaUgH.!!!


AnY sHOw WIt FoIne yoUNg MeN, LYkE...PrIsON bREaK
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My Lil' Brother, mY sIStErZ aND mY mOM...:)

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