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About Me

=)" /
First thing's first: I love Jessika Lynn Rasmussen more than you.
I'm not "weird". I'm not "strange". I am Luke and that's the way it is, has been and always will be. I'm not a snappy dresser, I don't drive the most expensive car, I don't keep up with the latest fads and I prefer to keep to myself. If you don't like me then I could really give 2 shits cause I have enough people that care about me in my life. So do everyone of us a favor and go eat a bag of shit kk?
I'm loud. The thing I enjoy most is a good conversation with someone who has some common sense and doesn't keep bitching about something that happened 5 years ago...get over it. Stupidity and those that lack common sense and respect for his/her fellow man anger me. I have a very short fuse and also have no problem saying or putting into action things that others would only speak of.
Violence is my weapon.
Rage is my ammunition.
RESPECT plays a vital role in all aspects of my life. When we meet or talk then you automatically have my respect...what you do with that respect can determine how long our friendship will last.
I am Southern. Born and raised and always will have a dixie banner around my heart. Call us uneducated. Call us racist. Call us what you will but by doing so you are only contradicting yourself. Long story short- Fuck you and give me my goddamn grits.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Laid back people that enjoy life and don't spend most of there days talking bad about others. Those that believe that life is more about the journey and not the destination. Those who are focused, driven and determined to push themselves to the absolute limits of life. So, take a minute and try to get to know me. I bet that 9 out of 10 times you and I could be great friends in one way or the what are you waiting for?!?!?! Hit me up already!! =D

AIM - mista spookee

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