Staralfur profile picture


Let's go down the waterfall 3

About Me

Heilsa, I'm Percy
(Yes, my mum still calls me Scott)

Why does this version make me want to cry more than the original?!

The NEW About Percy:

_ These Four Songs sum me up better than any amount of text.
I spend alot of my time dwelling on thoughts or just drifting around my hometown, keeping myself to myself. With friends, sometimes I'm shy, sometimes I'm completely hyper and sometimes smotheringly over-affectionate, but if you upset me or I think you're rubbing it in my face that you're happy and I'm not, you will know about it.

Welcome to my mind.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Beyonce and The Strokes' drummer. Then we'll know for sure what my sexuality is. ;D


Radiohead/OK Computer. Beck/Odelay. TheBeachBoys/Pet Sounds.


i t's not like the movies
they fed us on little white lies


All you need to know:
Loves Frasier
Hates Will & Grace


notbotheredwithfiction... Harper Lee; Alex James; Russell Brand! =D


Jonny Greenwood.

My Blog

Dewsbury in the public eye:

From The Saturday Times article, "Shannon Matthews - Too Poor for us to Care?" "A bleak mix of pebbledash council houses and neglected wasteland, populated by some people capable of con...
Posted by Staralfur on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:02:00 PST

Halloween 07

Bollocks to sweeties - I got a bag of teacakes and they're well nice.
Posted by Staralfur on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 12:17:00 PST

Am I still dreaming?

Hello everyone. Well, the new album is finished, and it's coming out in 10 days; We've called it In Rainbows. Love from us all. Jonny...
Posted by Staralfur on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 09:04:00 PST

My profile...

Just a few things I needed to clear up, because they’re bugging you/me: Music: These are The Holy Trinity of my music collection; Beck represents fun, The Beach Boys represent love, and Rad...
Posted by Staralfur on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:42:00 PST

Holy shit!

On the way home the other day, I was thinking about the dubious origins of various religions, when I hit on something really rather special: If Jesus, Joseph and Mary where alive today, Mary would be...
Posted by Staralfur on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:33:00 PST

As I lay on my death-bed:

6 weeks until I am 19. :| Worst age ever. Not only does it look, sound, and probably feel shit, but it's also the last of the teenages. Which brings me to the conclusion: "Oh dear God I have wast...
Posted by Staralfur on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 03:51:00 PST

How I fought bipolar disorder and won:

That's going to be the title of my autobiography, some day. :) i) Forget love. In fact, forget women full stop. They only make it worse. ii) Rediscover those people called "mates". Sure they annoy the...
Posted by Staralfur on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 04:24:00 PST


Been a shit year for music though, hasn't it?(Although "Atlantis to Interzone" is great, and I did have it as my profile song for a while last year) Personally, I'd have given it to Bloc Party. B...
Posted by Staralfur on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 06:49:00 PST

If a person close to you has died:

Move seats.
Posted by Staralfur on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 04:31:00 PST

(As wrote on Gaz's wall)

Fitter, happier,more productive, comfortable,not drinking too much, regular exercise at the gym(3 days a week),getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries,at ease,eating well (no mor...
Posted by Staralfur on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 07:20:00 PST