4fathers Entertainment has a T.V. show call “It’s a party “we are looking for singers, rappers, dancer, poets, comedy, singing groups, and rap groups to compete against each other, to see who the best performer, the winner will received: Exposure, $1000 to the winner, there song or there voice, use in a commercial which will air on 93.9 radio station, The judges of the show are record producer, and people in the business. If you are interested give me a call at 443-621-4200 ask for RILEY, There a show EVERY MONTH. And we are taking application NOW. All contestants must sell 10 tickets to the event. All ages can perform. You also can REPLY back with: Name… Group or artist name.. Address.. City … State… Phone number… Your talent… Email address… You’re my space … Or you can email with the information at rcradle219@aol.com Thank you