"I WANA GIV IT 2U"...new music posting soon!whose KEEN enuff 2figure this out?!...get@me!Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)
.....in other words "IF U WANT IT" then u shuda putA "RING ON IT"....ask urself WHY her LEFTHAND looks like an EVIL WEAPON!....an accessory 2 a crime!?!...ITS NOT THAT SIMPLE...but....well.....i'ma TELL U WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!New music postin soon "SINGLE LIFE" som of u asked if i spit...so i giv u gud spitts!! the song concept: is my personal feeling/opinion on marriage and the diamond solitare or BLOOD DIAMOND!...lil heads up!, i do not believe that any material items represent love except (pure love itself)...its that simple, so u may not agree but u probably wont agree with alot of things i'm about 2lay on yoUz, all i ask iz that u think about iT!My toySong iz here; (its personal)...but i had2 do iT!...jus Bcuz iCAN!!! & its entittled "Baby Come BahC" & its deffinately an expression of tha STaR! As 4 "StaR RevelatioN" i had 2let it simmer Bcuz my production/recording accessabilities at tha time were limited and not proffessional 2my likeing, so at this time i work alone, everything is done from scratch by me...so it will b reproduced, not that it wasn't b4, lets jus say i paid 4mo than what i recieved, (major lack of editing/procedure)...still in all its a project that is patiently waiting in confidence, its ahead of its TIME, so there is time...lol "ANOTHA MAN" is anotha song thats poppin up shortly again (its personal) but in this song i added a comical effect 2it, its actually Part 1 of a difficult time in my life and then a reoccurence Part 2 is about a fella who actually helped me git out of a bad situation (in Part 1) i was in, only 2present me with his, still my SupAman i am forgiving and 4 what it was worth; it made me a stronger and more confident person, so thats why i sing 2u>> "Baby Come BahC" !!!They both have relevance....while having different concepts, with relative issues they both reveal lessons some chics wit brain freeze/dismay can learn 4rom!!! PLEASE keep in mind these R pieces im toying with, (THEY R MYSPACE ENTERTAINMENT) i hav many more but 4now i will only give these 2u!!! so when a girl makes it DO What it DO!>show some Love!..ABOUT ME; I have a passion for Music and write about trueReal experiences ive encountered in my life, and when i create music about love, relationships and abuse i would like to think i speak for half the women in this world, the otha half are to naieve, scared or just in it for the ride (git it fellaz), I do not like to label anypiece that i do otha than its relevance to my influences and why i did it,..and if U listen u'll know WHY and maybe wher ive come from>>how u percieve it is uR buisness,...wetha i can lift U or surpress U is ON U or betta YeT stimulate Uz (MEN)>>but my intent is to teach and advise U to LOVE US betta>>with a higher respect and a greater understanding of passion for human intimacy and the value of commitment, but overall is for U to appreciate and enjoY!!I am presently in the studio, diligently working on my project>what you are hearing is the beginning of a mastapiece>according2 GODs plan,..and i hav no doubtz about it, if i cross u as being quite arrogant well u right.... i know my destiny as well as my crafty talants.id love 2hear any opinionz>feel free/it's appreciated!!!
WOMAN viewers:
we are beautiful, loving, productive, supportive and nutureing beingz, who deserve BETTER; know it>demand it>live it>shine un2 reflect it....or you wont B it, gitt it or know it...in othawordz NEVA let som1 rob u, take advantage or slowly/keenly strip uof thiss>trynot 2let thiss happen because 1nce ur down u hav2 be real strong 2git bakkuP.MEN viewers:
i love uz>strong, protective, brilliant, powerful, intriguing and careing providerz...so sexy wit tha sensualz, such genuwine romanticz when u wanna b, and ovawhelming masculine beasts when u dont mean2b (gotta fight that demon)
well regurdless; BEAUTYz need thier beastwhen BEAUTYz undastand thier beast
beauty will hav her BEAST 2keep him satisfied, relaxed and incontrol
(his antidote),..so fellaz calm down>i got chuzz
and....CHIXz dont>4git
the BEAST would B 1/2fill>without his BEAUTY...so lov luv and love him:but 4most importantly; second 2urself!*I AM THE WORLD*...yoO u gotta RESPECT THAT!
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