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The world we have created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our th

About Me

The Question (ID Number 505)...
I feel like I've been lulled back to sleep, and I'm absolutely terrified. Maybe it was meeting so much apathy in so many people; as the school year ended, I found I no longer had the ability to be B. I have never suffered such a loss of identity, and I simply do not know what to do. Mother Culture has convinced me that there's no point--that nothing can be done. She screams it at me so loudly that I can't even get through a chapter of your books anymore--and when I try to make myself believe again, terror and shame overwhelm me and I go back to sleep.
...And The Response:
It seems obvious to me that, since you're terrified, you haven't been "lulled back to sleep." How can you be terrified and asleep at the same time?
Convictions that go against the grain seem to need active expression in order to survive. This is why certain kinds of Christians find "revivals" invigorating, while other kinds (in past ages), took themselves to the tops of pillars, into caves, deserts, and monasteries, made pilgrimages, wore hair shirts, and so on. Cult leaders find they must give their followers rituals and rigorous (even absurd) regimens in order to persuade them that their convictions are meaningful and operative. These things authenticate convictions, and make them seem "real."
But convictions that are deeply resident (that don't go against the grain) in an individual don't seem to need constant reinforcement of this kind. For example, died-in-the-wool liberals are going to react to issues in a certain consistent way, but they don't have to make pilgrimages to the grave of Franklin D. Roosevelt, don't have to remember to say liberal prayers before they fall asleep, don't need to go on liberal "retreats," don't need to recite the Bill of Rights daily. All the same, they can be counted on in any conversation to come down on a certain side of every argument. How hard do died-in-the-wool Takers have to work to maintain their allegiance to the Taker vision of the world? They don't have to work at it at all! For example, they don't have to constantly remind themselves that humans belong to an order of being that is separate from and higher than that of all other creatures. But look at how effective they are in devouring the world! They don't need programs of destruction, because their vision is inherently destructive.
When enough people in the world share B's and Ishmael's vision, the devouring of the world will stop. What each of us can and must do is, like the died-in-the-wool liberal, be counted on to come down on a certain side of every argument. For example, whenever I hear someone say or imply that destroying the world is just "human nature," I refuse to let that stand. That's not human nature, that's the nature of our culture. When everyone in the world knows in their bones that what we're doing here is not just what humans were born to do, then it will be a different world. And how much more can you ask for than that?

My Interests

Music, people, books, movies, growth.

I'd like to meet:

Wild eyes.


A Perfect Circle
Michael Jackson
Death Cab for Cutie
The Postal Service
Rob Crow
Kaki King
Stone Temple Pilots
Pearl Jam
Dave Matthews Band
Smashing Pumpkins
Dead Can Dance
Team Sleep
Tori Amos
Rage Against the Machine
And Myself


V for Vendetta
Vanilla Sky
The Matrix Trilogy
American Beauty
Fight Club
The Fifth Element
Steal This Movie
The Crow
Pan's Labyrinth
Being John Malkovich
The Truman Show
Leon, The Professional
Interview with the Vampire
Forrest Gump
Eddie Izzard
Dane Cook
X Men 1,2, & 3
American History X
Office Space
Dirty Work


Stranger in a Strange Land
If They Give You Lined Paper, Write Sideways
My Ishmael
The Story of B
Beyond Civilization
The Holy
The Biggest Secret
Children of the Matrix
Tales from the Time Loop
Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion
The Fountainhead
Atlas Shrugged
Nothing in This Book is True, But it's Exactly How Things Are


David Icke
Daniel Quinn

My Blog


Something I wrote about myself a year ago.--------------------------------------------I reach so much. And so hard. And I fail so constantly. With everyone. I just want a connection. I just want a con...
Posted by Jimmy! on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 12:42:00 PST

What comes out my hand?

Anger.Animosity.Antagonization. Outrage.I feel all these feelings coming back in a way. Not in a direct way.Not in a way where I'm feeling all these feelings all the time. Not in a way thatthey used t...
Posted by Jimmy! on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 04:31:00 PST

Frame of mind.

So, how's the world treating you guys?I've been extremely restless lately, and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with stress. Home life, school and all that. Relationships.I hear people say all t...
Posted by Jimmy! on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 04:08:00 PST

A poem

I wrote this around Febuary, '04. The Wait Wait, wait for the moment... andRow, row towards the shoreTo show, show me the love of lifeTo press the wind, the soul of sightThe shift of shape... lake of ...
Posted by Jimmy! on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 07:56:00 PST


I think... I'll start writing more of these.Usually, I'm not much of a talker and am usually pretty introverted.I observe most of the time. And it takes a lot of my attention to focus ona personal res...
Posted by Jimmy! on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 02:55:00 PST

This has to mean something...

Had a bad dream. I was a child. Maybe, 9. Maybe 10. I knew that I had a family but for some reason they weren't with me. I was living with more or less strangers. I had dreams of events happening t...
Posted by Jimmy! on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 08:56:00 PST

Outside our box.

Beyond Civilization by Daniel Quinn A Fable to Start With         Once upon a time life evolved on a certain planet, bringing forth many different social organizatio...
Posted by Jimmy! on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 08:50:00 PST