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My Heroes
My monkey Ashley
My little sis & Guardian Angel Xe
Robot Ron & Robot Frank
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV
Vash The Stampede
Kagome Higurashi
Artie: The Strongest Man In The World
Heffer and Rocko
Bill & Ted
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Emotion Eric
Dave Chapelle
Tv shows I watch
Invader Zim
The Brak Show
Ren & Stimpy
The Oblongs
Beavis & Butthead
Sealab 2021
The Venture Brothers
Family Guy
King of the Hill
Rocko's Modern Life
Angry Beavers
South Park
Favorite Videogames
Chrono Trigger
Phantasy Star IV
Shadow Run
Super Metroid
Road Rash
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
..2.jpg" alt="Shining Force II"
Shining Force II
Ogre Battle 64
Gunstar Heroes
Worms Armageddon
Dungeons & Dragons:
Warriors of the Eternal Sun
..heDistortedOne/quake.jpg" alt="Quake"
Halo 2
Lipton Raspberry Iced Tea
Miracle Whip
Intresting looking sushi
Butterscotch Candies
Oriental Food
Dark and coffee flavored chocolate
Sweet & Sour sauce
A1 Sauce
Cocktail Sauce
Mint Chocolate Chip icecream
Micky D Flurries
Micky D Fries
Goals in life are to
make sweet love down by the fire
find a cure for cancer
develop a theory of everything
fight an epic ninja battle
smash a coconut on the ground
part of a heist
memorize how to make cookies
develop my own fighting style
see a car crash live.
get hit in the eye with toast as it pops out of the toaster.
take a picture of a hundred frags. - check
be psychologically reviewed (and get a brain scan)
Ask a dream girl out - check
Eat a really big muffin
Get the hell outta' dodge
Relocate someone's furniture
Dance under the stars
I Hate
your dog.
the way you look.
the way you walk.
your crooked nose.
your smell.
your ugly taped together shoes.
your hair.
your fabric softener choice.
the wind.
things that make onomatopeia noises.
how I can't understand what they are saying in music nowadays.
small mammals.
country musicans.
imitation milk products.
those who devot their life to Jesus, when they could be doing something actually helpful instead.
extremely retarded people.
comedians that steal other comedians jokes and reword them.
little children.
the bagpipes.
the Scotish.
the president, he's an idiot.
when the toilet clogs.
when there's no plunger.
my neighbor's tree.
when bathrooms don't have soap.
Reality T.V.
people talking about suicide all the time.
the old Warner Bros cartoons.
monoural sound.
poor people.
rich people.
snotty people.
wasting time in History class, by copying down things when they can be mass printed.
people that hate other people.
hypocrites. (heh :D)
rock singers that bark like dogs and screech like my uncle's pig when he makes sweet love to it.
seeing commecials about diariareah, herpes, and penial disfunction.
refrigerated food.
rappers that talk about how many bitches and dollar bills they have.
when people think their the baddest ass that ever was a bad ass.
the butler on
Walruses. (Call The Police...)
the way old people smell.
hearing about penis size.
Ronald Mcdonald
Jimmy Neutron.
when I pretend to love God to get free stuff.
when people ask me what liberal means and I have to change the subject.
orphans, they ripped my Iron Maiden shirt. The Bastards.
people who call themselves PIMP.
role-players that kick you out of their chatrooms for no logical reason.
the Mexican humor on Telemundo.
the word "chupi".
it when my taco falls apart.
how all girls moan the same.
caramel highlights.
people that drive slow.
ignorant people from Mexico.
people who never wash their hair.
people who let their nose drain down their face.
people who sniff loudly.
people that can only insult by saying fuck and other such bland explicitives.
chin flaps.
it when my burger falls in the grill.
people who whine about their relationship.
dependant people.
that Rudolph Christmas show.
my neighbor's glowing house.
my fast clock.
people that surround their screen name with designs
when I forget a tag and theres two sayings in one line
that Mitch Haggard died
how people only care about things when something happens to them
people that have the paradigm where the government is brain washing them
hippies that make arts and crafts
when people paste greetings into profiles instead of actual responses
when credit is given to a person for their profile when it's someone else's layout
how MSN constantly sucks
my school denying access to certain restrooms
People that don't shut up in school.
Teachers that make me work with retarded students
Smelly old books
High Ping Bastards
Ducks that quack out of turn
Cats that don't listen to me and just stare sarcasticly to mock me!
Rednecks, Hippies, Racists
People who call me noob.
Things I do
your mom.
Dance like a monkey.
Eat Rainbows.
Stab things with my fork.
Hear suggestions
About me
I'm currently 19.
I am a Libra.
I like girls.
I most likely suffer from mental illness.
I love the smell after it rains.
I'm a podophile (not a pedophile, GAH!) and a trichophile.
I ripped apart myspace's shitty code and did my own page.
I molested your little sister.
Latest Adventure
I've mostly been playing BattleField 2 as a sniper.
My Battle Field 2 Stat Page
I spend a great amount of time drawing. I'm interested in manga design. I tried my hand at shading, but I couldn't do it very well. I've done a lot of portrait work, some of which turned out well, and other that deserved to be burnt.
I also play my guitar. I used to have a acoustic, but the neck began to bend and it eventually bent so far that it rips my fingers apart trying to play it. I have an electric now though. It's a stratocaster, which isn't too bad. The amp that came with it sucks though. It has an overdrive, but I can't get anything really chunky out of it.
I tried the other day to play the acoustic, but when I tried to tune it, a string broke in my face. So much for that thing. I took an intro to classical guitar at the local college and learned how to finger pick.
I can use a pick just fine, but I prefer my fingers. I practice timing and my finger speed on a few songs. At the beginning, it was the intro to Crazy Train, but I've more or less mastered it. I know the 600 A.D song from Chrono Trigger and I practice on that one a lot. Another song I practice on for speed is a part on Papa Roache's "Last Resort". Recently, I've learned to play a part on The Cure's Lullaby. I've been trying to learn the intro from Chrono Chross and the Intro from Trigun.
I've been an avid gamer since I was a little kid. I have almost every system now. I grew up on the SNES and Genesis. Sega Channel was king. I used to play on Mplayer.
I've read a lot of books, I dislike short horror stories.
Favorite Books
"The Odyssey"
Amused me.
"A Glipse of Nothingness" by Janwillem van de Wetering.
Very insightful.
"He's just not into you" by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tucillo.
I know a girl book, but the cover was shiny okay? Heh.
Hated Books
"7 Steps of Successful Teens"
Bored me to a level of boredom before thought inconceivable.
At school
I'm the kid that's usually fairly quiet. I'm usually the one answering everything too. I hate those awkward silences where people know the answer but don't have the guts to say it in front of everyone else. Those people are really pathetic. Right now I'm in going into my second year working on a minor in Business Administration and a Major in Psychology. When I get these two degrees, I'm planning on transferring to a major university.
At home
I don't have much of a life at home. I'm ignored for the most part. I'm pretty isolated from my family and we aren't very "touchy feely." Hmmm...Well, I guess my upraising has made me more independent but at the same time, made me insensitive and out of touch.
What I mean by that is when I see people on TV crying their souls out about how their husband died in Iraq or how their fireman son burned to death inside a building, I retaliate with: "That's what comes with the job.", and "Why is this family member crying anyway? Shouldn't they have already prepared themself for this moment and be accepting of it?". I get yelled at a lot for talking so negatively.
Random Stuff
Yea...well let's see. I think I am part German and part Mexican. So sterotypically, I hate you all and I want your stuff.
Religiously, I don't know what I am. I'm supposed to be a Catholic, but I never go to church (If I do, I feel like an outsider and I always get the urge to scream and run about like a mad man) and I don't really believe in God or any magically foo-foo tale with giant boats and whores of women clamining almighty insemination. It's all too far-fetched for me to believe. I don't know if that damns me or not.
I don't want a carpenter as my leader. I don't to follow anyone that spent their childhood learning how to work wood...Probably enjoyed it too.
My stand probably is something closer to the Buddhist's and Zen teachings.
I'd rather not worry about things that might not matter in the first place, whether there are omnipotent deities or not. I'll just try not to mess things up. Everyone can go and pick what they want, I don't really care, as long as you don't hurt anyone doing it. .gif" alt="torch" align="left"
I don't like most music. I can feel when a song is good; it doesn't matter what genre. I've yet to hear a good country song though.
I used to listen to rap, but recently, it has decayed and lost all the artistic sound to it. What I mean is: I always thought rap was a way of singing, not a stereotype about gangsters and pimping. Eminem has some good poetry. Biggie was a good poet too. DMX hmm... I remember him having an asthma attack on stage and he finished his performance instead of going to the hospital. That's devotion. And extreme stupidity.
I've started listing to the classical genre, just recently. I don't care much for just piano melodies, my classical music has to either feed my imagination or it has to run my emotions. I fell in love with Beethhoven's Moonlight Sonata. I also really like some of the classical guitar out there. Some of it is just breath-taking.
Rock-wise, I like mostly 80's rock, e.g: the older bands like Aerosmith, Vanhalen, and such. I listen to some of the newer metal coming out. I really related to Korn's first few albulms. You could feel the emotion coursing out of the songs. I don't like their new stuff though, the playing ability is still there, but the emotion is gone. The same with Slipknot and Linkin Park.
I hate this new singing technique that's used. It's when the singer is doing a deep-throat growling thing. I guess they're supposed to sound evil or something, but it's too overused and I've heard so many songs that had beautiful playing, and were ruined by that dreadful growling.
I don't know if you've noticed, but there seems to be this trend in rock music now, with nearly all the bands sounding the same. What I mean is, the growling thing is appearing everywhere. I also hear just noise coming from some bands. None of the instruments are playing so that they combine into one song, it's as if they are all playing their own individual beat in rhythm with each other. It sounds horrible.
The volume of the instruments has begun to bother me too. Instead of fading in and out once in awhile and changing their speed, everyone seems to be banging as loud as they can and trying to be in the spotlight. Ugh.. It's like having a bunch of people talk to me at the same time and just makes me hit next on my player.
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Future Mindless Babble Here! :O
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