Ordo Templi Orientis
U.S. Grand Lodge
Tahuti Chapter R+C - Committee of Four
in the Valley of New York City
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Committee of Four of Tahuti Chapter R+C, under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Grand Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis, strives to pursue the goals as set forth in Liber CXCIV, O.T.O., An Intimation with Reference to the Constitution of the Order as written by BAPHOMET XI°. Our mission is to effect and promote Harmony and Beauty within the Bodies of the Men of Earth. In particular we are informed by Clause #8 of Liber CXCIV:
"8. In this degree the Most Wise Sovereign of each chapter will appoint a committee of four persons, two men and two women, to arrange for all social gatherings, banquets, dances, the performance of plays, and similar pleasures. They will also endeavour to promote harmony among the Brethren in all possible ways, and to compose any disputes by tact and friendliness without formal appeal being made to any more authoritative tribunal." - Liber CXCIV - O.T.O. - An Intimation with Reference to the Constitution of the Order - BAPHOMET XI°
Local Bodies of the Men of Earth in the N. East/Mid-Atlantic United States:
Abrahadabra Oasis Portland ME
Knights Templar Oasis Salem MA
Tahuti Lodge New York NY
Thelesis Lodge Philadelphia PA
William Blake Lodge Baltimore MD
Xanadu Oasis Reading PA
Feel free to contact us with any questions or information as you Will. If you are currently seeking Initiation within OTO, please contact a Local Camp, Oasis or Lodge such as the those listed above. If you are already a member of the Man of Earth Triad and wish to learn more in regards our Services, please contact the Committee of Four. If you are a member of at least the Fifth Degree within OTO and wish to contact Tahuti Chapter R+C directly, please email our Chapter Secretary.
Love is the law, love under will.
Frater Puck
Committee of Four
Tahuti Chapter R+C
In the Valley of New York City
Ordo Templi Orientis – United States Grand Lodge
Tahuti Chapter R+C on the Web
Contact the Committee of Four
Contact the Secretary of Tahuti Chapter R+C