Chillin - at home teaching my kids to be bad, lol just kiddin. Business - Im an entrapanure at heart. Art - Expand your creativity, its the key to all things great. Computers - Electronics, wheres tomorrow gonna take us I keep up cause theres mad money in that field. Religion - Who knows with all the b.s. we get fed but I like to belive there is a great power that started it all
RIP BERNIE MAC... DAMN LIFE IS SHORT. Shaquille Oneil, Conan Obrien, Dave Chapelle, Tara Banks, Angelina Jolie. Shout out to my crew on COD4 for PS3.
Im stuck on that new lil wayne
Dont watch much of that.
Shortly put heroes are the ones that save ppl right. Well my family saved me, I watched them and learned what not to do lol. Without my grandparents i would be a lost cause.