Aron profile picture


Focus Knowledge Power

About Me

I'm a monkey thats escaped from the zoo.No - I mean that literally. I am a miniature squirrel monkey that was borne into captivity, never to know what it means to live in the lush forests of my homeland. One day I decided, 'Thats it! No more!' - So I made my escape by stealing into the pocket of the evil zookeeper, Mr KittenHurt while he was cleaning out our cages. Boy what a suprise he got when he returned to the parking lot and reached for the keys to his jaguar. I screamed right in his 3ar and peeled out just like in the tv shows they showed us in those dumb mean experiments. Anyway, now I'm living in the wild streets of Brooklyn, what I have come to know as 'the jungle'...I'm cute and fuzzy and I like to swing from the rafters. ;)

My Interests

Boggling minds.

I'd like to meet:

Mad cool sweethearts that do lots of stuff and are fun to play with.


Straight up kick and snare for your derrière!


Making them. Contact me if you would like to audition for a role or appear as a guest star.


Antiquated. An old paradigm. Internet killed the video star.


Too many - would fill up house but need space in which to live. Reading now: The Wealth of Networks, The Number


My grandfather, Georges Malkine. He was a surrealist.