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I am here for Friends

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

She-ra Princess of Power


From Bowie to Neil to the Movie Life to both Bobs to Atmosphere, Lily Allen and Justin, with a bunch of others in the middle.


Give me any movie from the 80's with a "Claire" or "Jake" and my day will be made. Oh, and Chocolat.


24. Lost. Entourage. The Office. She-ra Princess of Power.


Kindred, Harry Potter, Secret Life of Bees, anything by Lester Bangs or Kurt Vonegut, any book on birds, The only Bush i trust is my Own, No One Here Gets Out Alive, Lightning, Zagat's, Sense and Sensibility, The House behind the Cedars, Invisible Man, True Confessions of an Opium Eater, Steal this Book, Shel Silverstien, Rock and Roll is Here to Stay, S., Cheaple


Todd Schlegel, Jack Bauer, Aunt Elise, and Johnny Drama