photography (with a real camera - not that digital stuff), singing, dancing (tap and modern), playing bad oldies covers on my guitar, writing poetry, drawing, painting, listening to music, teaching, archaeology, mentoring, eating Big Mac Extra Value Meals, drinking coffee, traveling
I'd like to meet people who possess open minds. They usually have the most interesting things to say. I'd like to meet other teachers, too, so that when I want to vent about administrators, paperwork, and No Child Left Behind, I'll have an understanding audience. I want to meet the current owner of my 1979 Toyota Corolla. I still love that car and I want to buy it back from you. I'll pay you double the price you paid for it. (Who wouldn't like to have an extra $600?) I'd also like to meet Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel because they rule.
OLDIES!!!, The Temptations, The Four Tops, Marvin Gaye, Simon and Garfunkel, Mamas and the Papas, The Beatles, Cream, Bjork, Portishead, Nine Inch Nails, Slipknot, Fiona Apple, Tom Waits, Air (NOT Air Supply), Cake, Digable Planets, Indigo Girls, Nirvana, Glenn Miller Band, Thelonious Monk, Tori Amos, Radiohead, A Tribe Called Quest, KRS One, Beastie Boys, Eazy E, Johhny Cash, Timothy Bracken, Poe, George Clinton / P-Funk, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lauren Hill, Belly, Suzuki Ton, Ween, The Dead Milkmen, Morcheeba, Motion City Soundtrack (of course!)
Some of the movies I like are Run Lola Run, Requiem for a Dream, American Psycho, Passion of the Christ, Goonies, The Christmas Story, Children of the Corn (all of them), The Exorcist, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Napoleon Dynamite, Fame, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?, Memento, Il Postino, Resident Evil, 28 Days Later, C.H.U.D., Undertow, A Dirty Shame (thanks, Timmy!)
CSI (all of them), The Simpsons, Cold Case, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Law and Order (all of them), 24, Without a Trace, SHARK WEEK!!!, whatever is on the Discovery Channel, Deadwood, Unsolved Mysteries (Robert Stack RULES), Medium, Absolutely Fabulous, Curb Your Enthusiasm, $40 a Day (kidding - I really want to kill that chick!)
A Clockwork Orange, Tuesdays with Morrie, Bridge to Terebithia, Farenheight 451, The Inferno, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, We Need to Talk About Kevin
My mom is my hero. She came here from Italy and despite having endured a lot of prejudice and other bullshit, she has always come out on top. Although we've had our differences, I still look up to her because she's my model of strength and integrity. She found out August of '05 that she had stage 4 lung cancer, and she handled this ordeal with grace and class. She should have been the one freaking out, but while everyone went crazy she remained calm and strong. She passed away January 5, 2006, and I miss her very much. I know she's watching over me, though.My other hero is Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) because he ROCKED that mullet and he could make a bomb out of bubble gum, a paper clip, and a piece of floss.