My Blog
i like new jersey?
We totally did.What I found really strange was that people still came to Gunnison Beach clothed. Granted it was my first time doing so, but hey, it was relaxing. Something Gabrielle and I both neede...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Aug 2009 22:14:00 GMT
let me in your house, i've got a shopping cart full of love to give.
So, the past few weeks had me thinking. I need a severe overhaul. Next Monday, I'm turning 26. Nothing special."Hey, I'm 26!" "Yeah, shut the fuck up and go to work!"That's how I look at it.And as...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Aug 2009 20:53:00 GMT
a disappointment to misogynists everywhere.
Despite these hectic times of economic hardship and life in blue-collar society, I've invested in something I honestly believe will be worthwhile to my overall well-being in the long-run. I've hired ...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Jul 2009 22:58:00 GMT
the -aiden suffix
Have I coined a new emo band name? Maybe, but that's not what I'm getting at. (Although Six West Forever fits the part, conjured during a weekend tour with Beer and Pretzels across northern and west...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 00:31:00 GMT
the lord will correct my pitch
Either I must be THAT out of it, or I may have come across a new low for planet Earth. Going through the various infomercials on TV normally on when I come home from work, I came across the almost unt...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 23:05:00 GMT
okay, music solely recalled from commercials is lame, but...
...anti-drug public service announcements don't count!
This eerie number is called "Showtime Paul" by Charlie Campbell. It's been floating around in my head for a while now.
Posted by on Fri, 20 Mar 2009 01:26:00 GMT
Ah, Friday morning. 12:30 to be precise. On a good night such as tonight, it's the best time to be alive at Reinhart Foodservice. I took the "scenic" drive home, purposefully to hit Sheetz, enjoyed...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 22:56:00 GMT
when i hear a song and have to ask myself...
"What commercial was this song from?", I can feel my skull cracking just thinking those words.If you instantly recognize a song from a commercial, it's just not good music. It's America giving you a ...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 01:26:00 GMT
coal pride on a national level!
...or not? You decide. I'm sure you've seen this. : you, friend. "Yo, butt, hand me dat hammer." Often used as "Ho Butt!" when calling o...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Feb 2009 09:53:00 GMT
i am the nag champion.
Today has been a fucked up day. I got to work and noticed a fine brown powder on my passenger seat. I remembered that, on Sunday I brought a plastic bowl with cereal (no milk. I'm not that loony) t...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Feb 2009 02:26:00 GMT