MERU’s dedicated team of staff and volunteers designs, engineers and manufactures equipment when children’s parents, carers and therapists simply can’t find a product to meet their needs. It’s a common problem, particularly when children have multiple or complex disabilities.WE DON@T UPDATE THIS PAGE VERY OFTEN. PLEASE JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP "MERU" IF YOU WOULD LIKE MORE REGULAR UPDATESImagine you can't walk, talk or move, without carers operating equipment for you. MERU might design you a switch you can operate with your swallowing muscles. Operating the switch means you can use a communication device to speak, control your wheelchair to move, and use your PC - all without being dependent on carers.
MERU - life-changing designs for youngsters with disabilities from MERU on Vimeo .
We make a large range of tailor-made products, including specialist wheelchair controllers, computer mice, supportive seating, eating, drinking, hygiene and bathing equipment, as well as learning and leisure toys.