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Absolute Virtue

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I believe that knowledge is infinite and that ignorance is ten times that. I believe that the world is secretly run by hyper intelligent pan dimensional mice. I believe in the existence of alien life, that man is alone in the universe and that Elvis is alive and well somewhere. I believe that kissing is still one of the greatest pleasures in the known universe and beyond. I believe that all politicians are corrupt but they're better than the alternative. I believe that someday music will save the world and that someday religion will end it. I believe that men and women are different species and the sooner we accept that the better off we'll be. I believe that no matter how bad it seems, it could always be worse. I believe in a woman's right to choose, a baby's right to live and that not putting the right to good use is what got you in this mess in the first place. I believe that bears have a good idea with this hibernation thing. I believe that there is a difference between sex and love but that difference depends on who you ask. I believe that magic exists and that science can prove anything. I believe that people that don't date because there are no good men/women left in the world are quitters. I believe that we are all unique and that none of us are special enough to warrant better treatment. I believe that love conquers all and that anger will get you through alot of the crap that love puts you through. I believe that people equate happiness with the movement and possession of little pieces of green paper, but the paper doesn't seem to be all too concerned with it. I believe it's possible to be alive and dead at the same time, but not in a creepy cannibal zombie kind of way. I believe that one day Mother Nature will rise up and show us just who's boss. I believe that while all life is precious the death penalty is a good idea if the law and justice are on the same side...but when is that ever going to happen? I believe that god loves ugly. I believe that everyone is looking for love but the really good ones are looking for more than one night of it. I believe that philosophical debate is a way of making a really confusing situation more confusing. I believe that the difference between intelligence and wisdom is looking at the sky or the ground...the wise always watch where they are going. I believe that you have to love yourself before you can truly love someone else. I believe that daydreaming is a completely worthwhile waste of time. I believe that he who laughs last didn't get it and he who laughs first is too smart for his own good. I believe that life is too short for regrets, too long to hold a grudge and too uncertain to take too seriously. I believe there are two ways to be rich: make more or desire less. I believe that people would be alot less uptight if they got laid a little more. I believe that we're selling kids short by diagnosing them with all these disorders then doping them to the gills. I believe in telling the truth, there's a lot less to remember that way. I believe the best things in life aren't things. I believe that there is someone out there for everyone and that some of us were meant to be alone. I believe in a benevolent loving god that cares for me and is concerned for my well being and a god that mixed everything up in a pot, set it on the stove then forgot about it completely and left to go play lawn darts with his/her other deity buddies. I believe that people who think the world isn't beautiful don't open their eyes enough. I believe that good and evil are a matter of perspective. I believe that life is a game, a cruel joke, a contest and that all the crap that happens in your life has happened to other people before so you should quit your bitchin' hang on and enjoy the ride.

My Blog


Gave this advice to a friend awhile ago...1. No one is ever going to give you what you want, you have to take it...I realize this means throwing yourself out there to maybe get squished like a frog un...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 20:07:00 GMT

Self Honesty

We spend most of our lives lying to the one person we should never lie to, ourselves. We rationalize bad decisions, we tell ourselves we know what we need to be healthy and happy but never follow thro...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 23:34:00 GMT

The Unbearable Likeness of Being

we all build personasdesigned to protect them from the hurts of the world masks we wear fortresses of cynicism and false bravado to shield us from intimacy keep our fragile inner selves from being cru...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 23:16:00 GMT

Its been a long time...

...shouldn't have left you, without a strong rhyme to step to. (Song lyrics, if you know what song then you rock) Anyway... Life is a series of events. Junctures, points where the line of yo...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 13:09:00 GMT


Life is education. The world one big classroom. From the moment you're born till the moment you die you are tested. Pushed to keep learning and tested once you do. If you pass you advance, if you fail...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 15:14:00 GMT


floating in a sea of endless black that caresses like velvet no light no sound no feeling alone with emotions that normally lay dormant under a blanket of false self confidence and forced bravado noth...
Posted by on Sun, 27 May 2007 13:08:00 GMT


amusing how many people here claim to want to meet new people but when you try to meet them by sending a message they just ignore you for whatever reason...funny how a website intended for human inter...
Posted by on Sat, 26 May 2007 22:12:00 GMT


question what I do assign motive to my actions without even knowing the man you accuse group me with the rest of the pack of hounds that occupy your sorry existence if it makes you feel self righteous...
Posted by on Tue, 22 May 2007 19:28:00 GMT

Playing the Odds

The odds of meeting someone are not stacked in our favor. Probability-wise there are multiple ideal matches (based on personality alone) for everyone, however there are other factors to consider:1. Av...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 16:20:00 GMT

Superman (If You Know Me At All This Song Makes Perfect Sense)

So here I am doing everything I can holding on to what I am pretending I'm a superman I'm trying to keep the ground on my feet it seems the world's falling down around me The nights are all long I'm ...
Posted by on Mon, 07 May 2007 20:27:00 GMT