Basteball, Soccer, Track, *yum* boys, shopping, movies, being girly. im the most boy crazed jock youll ever meetlol
any music really it depends on song, artist, and what mood im in.
OMG i love em all.i love old movies,romatic movies, scary movies, comedy movies,parody movies,and pretty much anything that is good. But scary is my all time fav
MTV and Vh1 for life dude, and where would i be without the E channel. *yikes!*
My heroes would have to be Jackie & Stephine Pope. First of all talking about jackie, she is the most beutiful person to me ever,jackie is the most caring person ive ever met,if your her friend she'll love you from the bottom of her heart.she comes from a rough place but she knows how to love. and thats a hero to me next is my bestfriend Stephine Pope if theres one person i can tell anything to its her, shes never judged me or made me cry. She's so beutiful and unquie and we have the most fun days, that make us laugh so hard. Steph's gone threw a lot of shit, but thats what makes her strong. I love you bestfriend then thares my boo Angelique Damn Mayn she effing roxs my soxs!!!! i havenbt known her very long butt ive already fallin for her charm LOVE U BABE Laura if theres someone whos kno me forever its Laura if theres anyone whos kno me FOREVER. its laura. weve both changed so much over the years, and yet weve always been there for eachother. I can always go to my big sissy. and laura can come over here anytime.Mike Yes ur on here i ♥ him hes so cool just dont be depressed all the time when so many peeple love u i luv u then thares eric frish,damn what can i say about himhe is a total sweethart and he'll make a great husband someday SO IF ANY YALL GIVE HIM SHITT ILL BE ON YOUR ASS IN 20 SEC MUTHAFUKERS!eric is one of the few people in this world that truly are great. he's my best friend and he's scared of melolzach. he is seriously the most funniest person i ever met. yeah he prides himself on being a total jackass on the phone, but i know better!he's a good friend and an excellent kisser!=D oh but only if hed actually get around to marrying me lol! no but no joking i love him to death! hopefully he'll stick around in my lifeOMG then theres Eric! who looks super hott in bikinis! =D talk about the most sweetest guy in the world! i totally respect the way he treats my friend lesile, and how he's such a good sport for the awkard situations we put him in! i hope he and lesile stay together for along time. There great together. plus hes got a cute butt! Now with the metion of eric, i must talk about lesile! =D my god this girl is so beutiful and funny! she makes me laugh and smile and we share about a million secret jokes! (like the one about eric's butt) hehe i wasnt looking! =D seriously, i know me and lesile are gonna be friends for as long as time! Then theres Mr. Love♥, (here he is maria so shut up)he might not like hummus like me, but it takes all kinds in this crazy world of ours. He shows me radically differnt view on things, and challenges me to better than whats expected of me. Mr. Love not only is a great person, he is a great teacher as well. Unlike any other teacher who assumed i was dumb, and just another pretty face. HE belived that i was something more.You truly are my hero Mr.Love and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.