ok I know I said I'm not a geek but quite possibly a small part of me is on the geekish side because I would love to meet Tony Blair! I know I know...why on earth?? BUT at the momemnt I'm reading 'The Blair Years' which is comprised of extracts from the 'Alastiar Campbell Diaries' (for those of you who don't know Campbell was Blair's spin doctor and had a HUGE influence on Blair's reign as Prime Minister!)He ruled our country for a decade and overall I think he did a good job although I would like to grill him on the 'War on Terror'!I'm also a BIG fan of Piers Morgan (the notorious ex-Daily Mirror Editor who was sacked for publishing 'supposed' fake photos of a British Soldier abusing an Iraqi Civilian, others may know him as one of the Judges of Britian's Got Talent.) In my opinion Morgan has written two of the funniest and entertaining autobiographies in history! You must read his first book 'The Insider'- it's hysterical!Of course I would also love to meet Mr Frank Lampard and his ex-Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho and also my crush from childhood the one and only Gary Barlow! AWWWW he's a sweetie! Although they're all SUPER cute I think out of everyone on the entire planet I would love to meet JOSH HOLLAWAY (Sawyer from Lost)I LOVE HIM SOOOOO MUCH!! That Davidoff advert!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!