[Lady] PIRATE WENCH profile picture


.. ....

About Me

"Our hearts will be heavy, our tears will fall
and our questions never really answered."
God Bless all those that lost
there lives at Virginia Tech.
MySpace Countdowns and MySpace Layouts from MakeYourSpace.comWe can not learn without pain. -Aristotle I am Brittney. obsessed with pirates. trait shot messy, disorganized, social, tough, outgoing, rarely worries, self revealing, open, risk taker, likes the unknown, likes large parties, makes friends easily, likes to stand out, likes to make fun of people, reckless, optimistic, positive, strong, does not like to be alone, ambivalent about chaos, abstract, impractical, not good at saving money, fearless, trusting, thrill seeker, not rule conscious, enjoys leadership, strange, loves food, abstract, rarely irritated, anti-authority, attracted to the counter culture.
I am a photographer.
I am too independant.
I dont count on people too often.
Single always
I like cats and mooses.
I have 25 pillows on my bed.
I like Charlie Chaplin movies.
I am not very ladylike sometimes.
I burp louder than you.
I live in Eagle River, Alaska.
I work at Wal-Mart.
I am a bookworm.
I am creative.
I like crafts.
I have 13 piercings.
I have 3 tattoos.
I am loyal and trustworthy.
I can cook, clean and do laundry.
yah. I know you want to date me already.
I like to draw.
I like many kinds of music
• Punk
• Hxc
• Psychobilly
• Rock
• Classical
To name a few....
My birthday is Nov. 24 1986.
I am a good friend, so don’t judge me before you get
to know me.
It will be your loss.
My motto is: Its better to be hated for who you are,
Than loved for who you are not.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

designing/making clothes of course, piercings, tattoos, going to shows, i read and listen to music a lot. I also like to hang out with friends just like anyone else. oh yes. i like to screw around with childrens toys.... and my hookahs :D
You Are 68% Open Minded
You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.
Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.
But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.
You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself. How Open Minded Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Kat Von D. because she is my idol and is fucking hot!


Music Video: Party Like A Rock Star by (Shop Boyz)

Music Video Code by Video Code Zone

josh turner, van zant, the wreckers, DIERKS BENTLEY, brad paisley, taylor swift.. more to comeThe Horrorpops, The meteors, Koffin Kats, Concombre Zombi, Nekromantix, Lower Class Brats, Xray Spex, Crass, Sham 69, Tiger Army, Agnostic Front, The Adicts, The Ramones, Lars Frederiksen and The Bastards, The suicide Machines, Rancid, Sublime, Guttermouth, The Vandals, Lagwagon, Anti-Flag, Pennywise, Millencollin, Strungout, NoFx, Dropkick Murphys, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Bad Religion, Janes Addiction, Filter, Misfits, Powerman 5000, Soulfly, Orgy, White Zombie, Damage Plan, The Violent Femmes,Taking Back Sunday, Senses Fail, Armor for Sleep, Story of the Year, Silverstein, Thrice, The Early November, Thursday, Fall Out Boy, A Static Lullaby, Matchbook Romance,My Chemical Romance, Coheed and Cambria, From Autumn to Ashes, UnderOath, The Starting Line, Dashboard Confessional, Deathcab for Cutie, Modest Mouse, Sugarcult, Finch, Franz Ferdinand, The Used, Something Corporate, Funeral for a Friend, Mest, Brand New,Switchfoot, Jet, The Darkness, The Strokes, Feable Weiner, 7-10 Split, Three Days Grace, Motion Picture Demise, The End Result,A Late Design, Hawthorne Heights, Midtown, Atreyu, Five for Fighting, Maroon 5, 311, 12 Stones, Counting Crows, Lull, Keane,Switchfoot, The Blackouts, Twelve Tribes, Snow Patrol, Chasing Relevance, Scissor Sisters,Bowling for Soup, The Killers, Breaking Benjamin,some NFG,36 Crazy Fists, Finger 11,Eighteen Visions,(New) Greenday, Sloan, Alkaline Trio,Common Effect,Marylin Manson, Kings of Convenience, Jem, Bjork, Taproot, It Dies Today, The Sleeping, Nevea Tears... and more.


Boondock Saints,Pirates of the Caribbean 1 2 and 3,The Breakfast club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, Renaissance Man, The Order, Crybaby, The Crow movies.The Goonies,Half baked, Airheads,Clerks, Mallrats,Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back,Robin Hood-Men in Tights, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Butterfly effect, Identity, SLC Punk, Donnie Darko, Edward Scissorhands, Secret Window, and of course, both Dirty Dancing movies, Labrynth , Drop Dead Fred, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.. gotta love em.. hehe... ive seen soo many movies in my time lol


CSI:Miami,CSI, CSI:New York, House ( my new second fave), Supernatural (my new fave) ,nip/tuck, ATHF, Robot Chicken, History channelalso Food Network. i am a huge fan of Iron Chef and Iron Chef America. Bobby Flay is my hero :Di want to cook with him someday.


Shakespeare, Magazines, Romance Novels, Art books: Salvador Dali, Picasso, etc. , Time Cat, Walk two moons.....and many more.. im a book worm.
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Stability |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Orderliness |||| 16%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 63%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Intellectual |||||||||| 36%
Mystical |||||||||||| 43%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Religious || 10%
Hedonism |||||||||||| 50%
Materialism |||||||||||| 43%
Narcissism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 43%
Self absorbed |||||||||||| 43%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 63%
Need to dominate |||||| 30%
Romantic |||||||||||| 50%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 70%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 43%
Wealth |||||| 23%
Dependency |||| 16%
Change averse || 10%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Sexuality |||||||||||| 50%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||| 50%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||||||| 84%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 50%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 70%
Vanity |||||| 23%
Hypersensitivity |||||| 23%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||| 63% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com


Pirates, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Charlie Chaplin, Molly Ringwald,... pirates.

My Blog


If you have at least one tattoo, do the survey, if you don't then pass it on!1. Have you ever cried during a tattoo?no haha2. When did you get your first tattoo?sept or oct 20063. What was your first ...
Posted by [Lady] PIRATE WENCH on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 09:03:00 PST

hormone hostage

Posted by [Lady] PIRATE WENCH on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 09:02:00 PST

45 things a girl would die for

1-touch her waist2-talk to her3-share secrets4-give her your jacket5-kiss her slowlyARE YOU REMEMBERING THIS?6-hug her7-hold her8-laugh with her9-invite her somewhere10-let her be with you when you're...
Posted by [Lady] PIRATE WENCH on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 08:47:00 PST


Your Personality is Very Rare (ENTP)..http://images.blogthings.com/howrareisyourpersonalit yquiz/personality.jpg" height="100" width="100">Your personality type is optimistic, curious, enthusiastic, an...
Posted by [Lady] PIRATE WENCH on Thu, 24 May 2007 09:49:00 PST

*whats wrong with me*

so, if any were wondering how my tilt table test went, they figured out that this is what is wrong with me(below) explains what goes on and why i pass out/get dizzy. and the test explained below that ...
Posted by [Lady] PIRATE WENCH on Tue, 01 May 2007 06:10:00 PST

boyfriend app.

FILL THIS OUT WITH COMPLETE HONESTY PLEASE!!!1. Full name/Age/Location2. Single?3. Smoke/drink?4. Tattoos/peircings?5. Religon?6. Body type?7. Future?8. Job?9.anything else I should know?RANDOM-movies...
Posted by [Lady] PIRATE WENCH on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 11:08:00 PST

some messed up stuff.

watching a documentary on charles manson right now. this shits crazy. its pretty scary what people are capable of. helter skelter=idiocy before that i watched one called jonestown:paradise lost, a do...
Posted by [Lady] PIRATE WENCH on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 10:38:00 PST

personality thing

Your Five Factor Personality Profile..http://images.blogthings.com/thefivefactorpersonali tytest/personality.jpg" height="100" width="100">Extroversion:You have high extroversion.You are outgoing and e...
Posted by [Lady] PIRATE WENCH on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 09:44:00 PST

alaskans-jeff foxworthy(this is funny!)

Subject: Alaskans by Jeff Foxworthy I CAN RELATE TO EVERY ONE OF THESE! YOU PROBABLY CAN , TOO! Forget Rednecks ......here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about Alaskans... If someone in a Home Depo...
Posted by [Lady] PIRATE WENCH on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 09:23:00 PST

add-ons for me

guys... whats hotter than a girl thats low maintenence, cooks, cleans, does laundry, bakes, plays video games and goes to strip clubs?   feel free to add things :D haha those are just a few thing...
Posted by [Lady] PIRATE WENCH on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 10:36:00 PST