There is only one word I can use to describe music…. Magic. The connection I have with music is one that flows deep within my soul and has been by my side throughout the 24 years of my life. At age six I got my first Walkman and from that day on music became the heartbeat of my life. Growing up I was a wild kid, always overflowing with energy and animating myself to the fullest. Life had magic all around me and everywhere I went. At seven years old I remember watching the movie Top Gun with my mother and next to me was the old school casio 24 key keyboard, (you know the one that only let you play one note at a time), and for some reason I started playing the theme song by ear. At that point my mother saw a talent within me and she decided to buy me a bigger keyboard. Over the next four years I played on the keyboard figuring out theme songs of other movies and actual songs themselves. While I learned most of it on my own I did take some formal instruction as well.At age twelve I stumbled across my father's acoustic guitar in our storage room. It was old and dusty and had only two strings on it. I picked it up and within 2 years bought my own electric guitar and knew how to play almost every nirvana song. Nothing like power chords! In seventh grade I learned my best friend's father was a drummer in a band. Not only that but also my best friend could play the drums as well. The first band I ever played in then formed. He would knock at the skins and I would rip at those power chords. Our good friend played the bass and we were the school's number one band. We were middle school rock stars. At practice, between playing and smoke breaks I grew a curiosity for the drums and would play on his set. By the end of my freshman year in middle school at age 15 I was passed amature level piano, guitar, and percussion skill. I was in seven bands in school; Jazz band, Wind ensemble, orchestra, string ensemble, concert band, choir, and Robe Choir. I was awarded the 1998 – 1999 Holicong Middle School Jazz band award, voted must musical in the yearbook, and quoted "The Musical Prodigy" by my teachers.At Age 20, I purchased the Korg Triton 88key Studio which opened my eyes to production with its 16 track 16bit multitrack recorder. Hip-hop was my thing arranging beats heavily influenced by the Roots and jazz. Not long after trance became the focus of my music. The emotion in the song's climax like in Melanie C's "I Turn to You" would send goose bumps all over my body but that was only the beginning of a long evolution to what you see today and what is to come.Music has brought alot of magic and beauty into my life, and I want to share that with you. Thank you for stepping into my world. Love you all, peace...
Leaders are people with vision. People with the impulse to make a picture of their own and to reach into the conception of what can be rather than what is.
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