taking my dog 4 a walk stupidly l8 at nite an jst walk 4 ages with no1 around! u have time 2 think things through 2 feel anythin u want without any1 judging you cause there is no1 else around! it possibly the only time i feel my trueself, which mite mite be a bad thing but 2 me its a good thing because if i ever got lost an 4get who i really am im never rly tht far away!
I sat in starbucks 1 day at 8am waitin 2 go 2 coll (dnt ask our bus times suck). i sat there for about an hour, in the corner on my own readin the book i jst bought an drinkin my coffee an for the 1st time in a long time i felt happy, im always happy but usualy hyper an crazy nt actual happieness, but i did in tht short space of time sat on my own and i felt truly happy. wt does tht mean?????
nice people so add me :) hehe
i like to read on the bus n make everyone else lookin at me feel sick!!!
there are no such thing as heros only those who inspire!!!!a hero in1 persons eyes cud be the complete opposite it anothers!!!!