!!!!!MY NEW WORD SOUNDS!!!!!Step out the door and ran into the whore of Babylon in the hood, dressed up like somebody version of a lady her words gave her away, she was shady complaining about mothers breast feeding in public she stated, what a travesty yet she is wearing thongs up to her neck and showing the top of her breast or her crack, in her low cut to show her chastity not realizing, this is really the travesty, in the name of being sexy she said, don’t want to see no one sucking a breast in public, especially a baby its creepy, look better in soft porn or a sub-li-mi-nal message on TVShe had on the latest trend wanting to make amends for all those dark ages and spaces of long hems don’t look though she is peddling flesh in the years of nonsense and era of sexual harassment breast so high, touching the chin, pump up for fashion but not feed your kin, that should be a sin forgetting breast milk does baby good and it should not just for show, tattooed with the name Ms. Flo may sound like hating but sistah got to knowThe way you dress, the way you behave like some cheap whore on the prowl not knowing that this style is old, old like the 17th century when chastity was worth less than a penny No matter what you show, tempting the weak and teasing the freak is a reflection of your thinking or your not thinking or going along with the flow until the next fashion show. So when did showing your thong, or squeezing into those too tight jeans made any man wants to honor you from what been seen?Forget being a queen and who cares about virginity it is there to be sold to highest bidder, where a girl can get the most money to keep her in the illusion of luxury or what she has been taught to be a cheap thrill, a sex romp and baby mama drama but not his sweetie that he will take home to his mommy and make his wifey. the price of living in a country with low morality and depravity as the center of its gravity. Selling everything, nothing has no value above the price of the moneySo honey forget the double standards and stupid objection to what is natural and proper for the babies of the tomorrow need more so much more that little girls and boys playing with dolls and dress them up in name brand knock off, discount this and discount that yet no time to read them a book before they sleep still give over their teaching to tell-lie-vision even before they can speak. to continue to perpetrate the stereotypes of all things that are bad and misguided as we give them ammunition for our destruction. Not uplifting or building what we need for now and tomorrow so the future will not continue this cycle of horror.STILL SINGING REPARTRIATION AND REDEMPTION SONGS.**************************************************** Strugglers for Survival of the Black Race. ALL Black Conscious Africans.