For all those that went to Wet Paint, or even just heard of theplace... (maybe some of you will have no idea what I'm even talkingabout), here's a bit of a jam that went on one night.Featuring Hayden,... Posted by on Fri, 27 Feb 2009 14:03:00 GMT |
Studio Neck 2.0 |
Hey all, hasn't it been a while?!So, here's abit of an update.. I've been abit slack lately and involving myself in other things. The music has been neglected for too long and so now I'm back!Studio N... Posted by on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 13:26:00 GMT |
Fuck me!!!We got it... the idea... the greatest thing to be created... ever!!!I can't really say more... watch this space though... Studio Neck is carrying on... but I'm in a fixed location again now.... Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 15:12:00 GMT |
To All..... |
To all,if you're recieving this then it's because I have made contact with you somewhere along the way.Some of you are musicians or bands, some of you promoters, some of you are friends I made through... Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 11:36:00 GMT |
A few more updates.... |
...have been uploaded. My friend Dennis asked me to record his punk bands two songs next time they practiced, so that's now up. Also up is some sounds from the night before we left for Fusion Festival... Posted by on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 08:51:00 GMT |
12Volt, Blandilo, and Bloody Kalinka online NOW! |
OK, so only a few updates, but more to come...Now on STUDIO NECK....12VOLTBLANDILOBLOODY KALINKASorry it's taking so long to sort all of these out.... I'm sure over the next few days I can get some mo... Posted by on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 10:57:00 GMT |
The latest... |
OK, so an update I think is due..I mentioned (very briefly) in an earlier blog about Berlin Lacht - the street performance festival.I have more to say about it, but to be honest, so much more has happ... Posted by on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 02:29:00 GMT |
For the folks of Worcester, Bristol, London, Liverpool..... |
I'm coming home before August kicks in.. or so is the plan...It's difficult being out here. I ran out of cash and the agency won't pay me my wages.Also, nobody wants to record, although they are all h... Posted by on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:49:00 GMT |
Push things forward - put politics BACK in to harcore. |
From http://profile.myspace.com/350341914This sums it up pretty well I think.This description of Hardcore lets much latitude for definitions. If we speak over the Hardcore scene as a subculture, in w... Posted by on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 05:16:00 GMT |
20/06/08 - Updates! |
There's a few more things uploaded now.. still more to come but right now I think I'll be off... have been invited to a jam night in someone's house.... every room will be full of different sounds!Yea... Posted by on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:56:00 GMT |