king3vbo profile picture


About Me

Evan Googlized: Evan is currently looking into the disappearance of another child; evan is a principal engineer and data availability maven with veritas; Evan is the Gerson and Barbara Bass Baker Distinguished Professor of Cancer; Evan is now in the custody of his mother who filed specifically to block the father’s claim; Evan is even more desperate to solve the riddle of... ; Evan is brave because he has to go to the hospital a lot and get shots; Evan is 18 and heads up two successful businesses; Evan is actually rich; Evan is objectively good-looking, which is to say that everything about him screams "good genes."; Evan is not only a person who loves to walk, he is a person who “walks the walk.” He acts on his beliefs. (I like that one). Anyways, that was fun. So yah, rock on! I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Reese Roper, Kurt Cobain, Alec Burkey, and Jebus. They all are cool guys. So is the Video Game Pianist, check out this vid!

My Blog

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