The horse won’t race unless you split the cut |
So the last time i posted a blog was a while ago.I don't live in mesa anymore. I now live at holgas in central phx with ethan, billie and jaqui dole are my neighbours as well as josh, fil (until... Posted by Kyle Crawford. on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:13:00 PST |
Make believe are sooo amaaazing live. See them, and make sure you catch ecstatic sunshine too, great band, verrrry loud!!!... Posted by Kyle Crawford. on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 05:50:00 PST |
One day the water is going to was it away, thats it nothing else clever to say. |
Life is okay. Very excited about Fred coming out, and shit. Tons of great music is out/coming out. New mewithoutYou is amazing, which features Jeremy Enigk on one song. On that note, the new Jeremy En... Posted by Kyle Crawford. on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 11:11:00 PST |
All your friends, they just laugh at you. The mother fuckers keep harrassing you. |
I have proabably the best news of my life. But, I don't think I am allowed to talk about it yet. But let me tell you, its so big its not even funny. Its going to help my careers, a friendship, and mus... Posted by Kyle Crawford. on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 08:44:00 PST |
When this ends, where does this begin. |
I now work at Mesa General Hospital starting wednesday. I am making more money than a few people. But thats not really the point, I get to work with John and a great fucking starbucks customer. She'll... Posted by Kyle Crawford. on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:45:00 PST |
In the midst of down times |
Times have been really good, but strange. I find it odd when relationships end and a new person is invited into the group and you like it. Its a refreshing additive to your social diet. California... Posted by Kyle Crawford. on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 03:03:00 PST |
Don't let your demons grow up to be dead men. |
life is doing itself a favor by being great lately. I think relationships are as tight as ever. Work is work. Friends are great. Sleep is non-existent. Bob Dylan is saturday. The new underoath is ... Posted by Kyle Crawford. on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 01:10:00 PST |
mama don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys |
I have a new found love for Truman Capote and Andy Warhol. Them being madly insane forces them to be genius'. Plus two artists from New York makes me enjoy their works even more. [ EDIT] I also goog... Posted by Kyle Crawford. on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:24:00 PST |
Scientology and L.A. fought and the world is over. |
Scientology is probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. I read an artical about it in the new Rolling Stone. The stuff they belive is so far fetched its ridiculous. In other news, L.A still s... Posted by Kyle Crawford. on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 10:05:00 PST |
why might it say i am 19 in my profile. |
Today is december 7th. That would happen to be my birthday. The 19th one indeed. Me and jeff are celebrating (him exactly one week early) and its going to be fun. 19th birthdays are like drinking non... Posted by Kyle Crawford. on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 06:27:00 PST |