I am learning ... always learning, new things about myself, the people I love and just life in general. I am learning that its not always easy, but it could always be a lot harder. I am leaning that happy ever after doesn't always look like I thought it would,I am learning that everyone doesn't love the same way,I am learning that people are brought into your life for a reason(every single one of them), I am learning to cherish the time I do have because I never really know whats next, I am learning to trust to trust myself, to trust my friends, and to trust that things are sometimes out of my control, I am learning that change isn't always a bad thing but rather just a another road to learn on, I am learning that bad days are only as bad as you make them..... I have learned that no matter what directions the road of life may take me I have met some of the best people and made of the best memories that this world has to offer. I have learned that as long as I am still learning I am still growing and as long as I am growing I am still alive!
My Space or Yours? Myspace Layouts and more at myspaceoryours.net!