Take Care profile picture

Take Care

We'll score a stage dive!!

About Me

Take Care somos una banda de hardcore fuertemente influenciados por bandas straight edge/youth crew de los 80s y 90s. Empezamos a ensayar a mediados de julio del año 2007 en un pequeño local de la localidad de Telde, en la isla de Gran Canaria. Hemos subido nuestra primera demo, la cual cuenta con 5 temas grabados en el local de ensayo. Por otra parte Amiel (Cinder) ha sido el encargado del artwork de la demo y desde aqui queremos agradecerselo una vez más. De momento eso es todo, esperamos verles en los conciertos!!

Take Care is a hardcore band strongly influenced by the 80s and 90s straight edge/youth crew bands. We began mid july year 2007 in a small room in Telde in the island of Gran Canaria. We uploaded our first demo with 5 own tracks recorded on our practice room. By the way, Amiel (Cinder) has been the person who did the demo's artwork and from here we want to be grateful for it to him once again. By the moment that's all, hope to see you at shows!!

My Interests


Member Since: 12/3/2007
Band Members: Adriá (Vox)
Oliver (Bass)
Tino (Guitar)
Johnny (Drums)
Influences: Turning Point, 7 Seconds, Unity, Bold, Insted, Side by Side, Judge, Warzone, The Abused, Uniform Choice, Brotherhood, Youth Of Today, Chain of Strength, Floorpunch, Ten Yard Fight, Mouthpiece, Eyeball, Sportswear, Time Flies, In My Eyes, Mainstrike, Up Front, Touchdown and so many more!!
Sounds Like: Canarias Youth Crew
Record Label: DIY
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Support the scene and check this bands

Yo! There's more hardcore in Canary Islands too!! So check this bands and give them your support!!Hey!Hay más hardcore en las Islas Canarias!! Así que échales un vistazo a estas bandas y apóyalas!!G...
Posted by Take Care on Tue, 20 May 2008 08:35:00 PST

GOOD FELLAZ EP 7" Demos 2007 & EP 7" split w/Vicious Circle

DEMOS 2007 7" ep and split 7" w/ Vicious Circle OUT NOW! get some of them at Sell Our Souls webstore or dropping us a message.www.selloursouls.comwww.myspace.com/goodfellazhc...
Posted by Take Care on Thu, 15 May 2008 07:48:00 PST


Hey chicxs como ya sabrán por fín tenemos la demo que resume el trabajo de estos primeros 6 meses de existencia que no han sido fáciles, pero no por ello insatisfactorios!!Aquí tienen el link:http://r...
Posted by Take Care on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 08:41:00 PST