that one guy who understands my lingo, the geicko gecko. hah and dont ask me why i deleted all the people on my friend's list.. [=
.. width="425" height="350" .. old school, underground, hip hop, instrumental, classical, hawaiian reggae, reggae dancehall, r&b, jazz pop rock[korean/japanese music], booty beats, porn musiq.. heh. jp bout that one. uhh.. alternative, rock.. basically anything that sounds good to me.
TRANSFORMERS. 300. The Illusionist. Derailed. Butterfly Effect. The Last Kiss. Harry Potter Series. One Fine Day. Pool House Junkies. Now and Then. Hook. The Goonies. The Sandlot. ohh mann. the list goes on and on.
i dont have cable. i know ...i know.. deprived child.
The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Angels and Demons. Harry Potter. haha.. seriously.
my mom for everything. God.Jesus...for giving me the strength to keep going. [=..