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About Me


SMF is a band formed in February 1989 in Belgrade, Serbia, as a project of four musicians who were already playing in their own bands. The idea was for SMF to perform at a festival, held at SKC, and play hardcore style influenced by bands like S.O.D., G.B.H. and Suicidal Tendencies and for the lyrics to be simple, kinda "stupid", sarcastic and even ridiculous. Finally, the whole idea was also considered a good fun and that's how it also went.

In 1991, upon the breakout of war, the band stopped working (due to understandable reasons). During that period, the style of SMF was not adequate to the happenings and the situation as a whole. So, SMF began work on new songs using the entire newly formed situation as an inspiration.

At the beginning of August 1994, for an incredible 30 somewhat hours, SMF recorded "Dalje neces moci..." ("You can't go any further..."). There are 26 songs on the album. SMF could have put more, but they didn't want to overdo it. Songs were mostly silly, although some of them may be metaphorically taken and understood. On that album, they have definitely formed a style from which they have not backed off anymore.

SMF began to prepare their second material in mid 1996. They worked pretty hard and compiled 17 songs. Of course, all of the time they tried to incorporate the now well known style of SMF into our songs. At the beginning of 1998, SMF recorded their second album "Lako cemo". Since they have not made a buck during all this time, plus they had little or no air time on the radio and TV, they decided to remain truthful to ourselves and to those who love them. SMF did no "sell out" the music, stayed aggressive and hostile, the production of the very album was now much better than the previous one and the lyrics were still provocative, direct, carrying a hidden meaning. The CD edition of this album represents the first formal multimedia disc of any domestic band in Serbia. If you put the disc in your CD ROM drive, you will be able to see a short video story relating to the album itself.

In year 2002 SMF started working on their 3rd album. After amazing 5 years of work, 14 new songs were completely mastered in October 2006. Well known SMF's unique style of sounding, rhythms and harmonies this time has developed further beyond the boundaries of standard hardcore and crossover. While influences of metal core, traditional metal, punk rock and funk were usual before, now in SMF’s music could be found some elements of fusion, industrial, break beat, drum‘n’bass and even a some traces of purely electronic music, like techno and trance.

Ajde (Video clip, 2008)
Cvikam zicu (Video clip, 1995)
Doktore pomagaj (Video clip, 1999)

Zurka (Live, SKC 2006)
SMF je bend formiran u februaru 1989 u Beogradu, Srbija, kao projekat od cetiri muzicara koji su vec svira u sopstvenim bandovima. Ideja je da SMF izvede na festivalu, koji je održan u SKC, sopstveni hardcore stil pod uticajem bendova kao S.O.D., GBH i Suicidal Tendencies a da pri tome tekstovi u biti budu jednostavani, "glupi", pa cak i smešani i sarkasticani. Na kraju, cela je ideja bila da se ljudi dobro zabave smatraju i to je i bilo.
Godine 1991, pocetkom rata, bend je prestao radi (zbog razumljivih razloga). Tokom tog perioda, stil SMF nije bio adekvatan za tadašnja dogadanja i situaciju u celini. Dakle, SMF je poceo da radi na novim pesmama pomocu cele novonastale situacije koja je posluzila kao inspiracija.
Na pocetku avgusta 1994, za neverovatnih 30 casova, snimljen je SMF "Dalje neceš moci ..." ( "...plati pa ceš proci"). Ima 26 pesama na albumu. SMF moglo staviti više, ali oni nisu hteli preterivati!. Pesme su uglavnom luckaste, iako neki od njih metaforicno može biti uzeta i shvacena. Na tom albumu su definitivno formirali stil od koga nikad nisu odustajali.
SMF poceo pripremati drugi materijal u sredinom 1996. Oni su radili prilicno naporno i rezultat je bilo 17 pesama. Naravno, sve vreme su nastojali da zadrže sada poznati stil SMF ovim pesmama. Na pocetku 1998, snimljen je drugi SMF album "Lako cemo". Buduci da sve ovo vreme nisu napravili upliv u medije i bili su malo ili gotovo bez emitovanja na radiju i TV-u, SMF je odlucio da ostane veran sebi i svima onima koji ih vole. SMF se nije "prodao", vec je ostao agresivan i neumoljiv. Produkcija na samom albumu je sada mnogo bolja od prethodnog, a tekstovi su i dalje provokativni, direktni, sa nekim skrivenim znacenjem. CD izdanje ovog albuma predstavlja prvi formalni multimedijalni disk domacih bendova u Srbiji. Ako stavite disk u vaš CD-ROM vašeg racunara, biti cete u mogucnosti da vidite kratku video pricu vezanu za sam album.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/3/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Sale - vocals
Francuz - bass
Dare - guitar
Boris - drums

Influences: SOD, DRI,
Sounds Like: Crossover
Record Label: PGP RTS
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

SMF u Nisu 02.02.2008.

Sutra, 02.02.2008.SMF u Centru kulture Niska banja.Poziv i pozdrav svima SMF
Posted by on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 09:48:00 GMT