Becky profile picture


can I live life on vacation?????

About Me

from seattle, sick of rain. LOVE: snow, mountains, my old dog (and other canines for the most part), rocks, friends, romantic comedies, dance parties, weddings, family, snow, food other than onions and mushy things, pizza with green peppers, snow, good chapstick, floating, vacations, the zipper, reality tv, sleep, my old horse, haribo gummy bears, sunny days, scary movies when my eyes are closed, surprises, not getting sick. I also like snow.

My Interests

friends, family, snow, rocks, animals...pretty much see above.


good stuff that is fun to listen to.


Only movies I have seen and not liked are: Never ending story 2, matrix, I heart Huckabees. Pretty much like any movie other than those few. Not too hard to please here. Scary movies make me cover my eyes and plug my ears.


don't really watch anything religiously, but if I do I love anything realistic. for example, "making the band", "laguna beach", "real world", "the hills", "blind date", "that 70's show", "seinfeld", "the office", "curb your enthusiasm" get the picture.


too many to list...Catcher in the Rye will forever be in my top 5, humorous writers like David Sedaris, Anne Lammot, lately I've been into books about dogs (go figure).