ReneRollercunt profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I may look like yet another fag, but you will easily see the difference and get to know me while reading through the following text, which may be updated from time to time by the way, and maybe through the surveys I've taken. Don't take everything said too serious, it's just a profile text, my deepest personality but not how I act every single day. I am as much a human as you, one who needs love and caring.
Oh, I already forgot to say that I looove pic comments. Really. I comment the pics I like of everyone on my friends list. If you do so, too, and want some comments for your new pics from me, write me, I can't have everyone on my profile update list so I won't notice all new ones by myself.
I. Inauguration of the devil
II. The big "Fuck off"
III. The metamorphose from the worm to the god
IV. Finding myself
V. The final result
VI. The demystification
VII. Opinions of a faggot
VIII. When time goes by
IX. Conclusion
Well, my name is Rene, I'm 18 years old and gay.
I title myself as devil because I am a very sarastic, money addicted and superficial person and an atheist.
Coming to the meaning of my profile layout and background image:
Most parts are pink because most of the time I am pink and not black, if you know what I mean. Background consists of gloomy bear and Hello Kitty because of above namend reasons, the lightning symbol is a modded "AntiChrist SuperStar" that represents all the hate and mean in me, that indeed exists. Can't handle it, I'll most probably never get over that and people that only care about others and never do anything bad are failing in living and creating an existence, so I simply let people also know I'm not perfect, not always in a good mood and do NOT need any religion. I reached everything in my life without the help of "god", I'm successful, good looking and got money, so why should I start praying some not-existing nonsense?
So, why should you keep on reading?
Well, first of all you should because I will thank you that you are one of the few persons reading through profiles before adding, and who doesn't enjoy getting thanked for something?
I simply cannot understand why people, especially the younger ones, add dozens of other people here on MySpace but then don't even comment or EVER talk to them.
What's the sense behind this behaviour?
As a smart hint for all those kids out there, you should all tell them they won't get any fame, nor will they be seen as famous, because none will ever recognise them on the street, nor will one ever treat them like that.
I try my best to stay in contact with everyone on my friends list, but unfortunately many don't answer ME or comment back, so I usually sort out from time to time. I don't differentiate whether I have sent the friend request or I got the friend request.
But enough of that, I am the reason you read through this.
As a little story of my life, I should begin like this:
I have always been an inconspicuously, small, shy and quiet guy.
When realising I liked guys only at an age of 13 or 14, am not sure when exactly, I was scared how people would react.
I told my close friends about it with 14, non-close friends with 15 and my family with 16.
During school nothing really changed. I've never been discriminated, nor did I run into any trouble.
Those boring and crappy fag-jokes never annoyed me, I just felt more and more important through them.
While finishing school with 16/17, I realised that a change needed to be done.
I changed my style, my behaviour and my thinking and soon realised that this, and this is how I am still now, is what always should have been.
I mean, I even used to have longer hair, you can't imagine, can you?
The inconspicuously, small, shy and quiet worm finally turned into a selfish, wannabe, harcore, bitchy, attention-addicted and fucking fabolous faggot who lives life like he wants to.
This may sound like I am one of those idiots that jump around with hotpants and a handbag, scream when walking through the city and act like a pussy.
I'm simply a strong and selfconfident guy that knows exactly about his opinions and also shows that.
I'm not afraid of running against a wall with my attitude, you simply have to prove me that I'm wrong, if you can't, leave me alone.
I don't trust anyone else but me 100%. Not because I have been disappointed many times, but simply because of smartness.
There is nobody outside, that is completely like you, that thinks exactly like you and that supports you in any case.
I love my family, love my friends, may love any upcoming boyfriend, but could never love him/her more than me. There is nobody that may not intregate you or slap you in the face.
I hate the way straight boys behave, think and live.
Their life is only existing for having sex, hooking up as many girls as possible, prove that they're best although they're not, impress by physical strength and accuse every gay to love them.
I accept straight guys as my friends, but will neither open up totally, nor trust them, nor love them.
And they're not even smart enough the realise that, many suppose I do trust, do love them, do...You're fucking wrong, idiots.
I love bitches. I am a bitch myself, I act like one.
I'm not complicated, nor do I fuck around in every possible situation, but completely recognising who I am is only possible for other gay guys and women, that's a fault of nature.
God means nothing to me, nor does any religion.
I never needed any of those sects, why should I support them, waste time going to church or send them money?
Everyone that does all that is stupid and afraid of his/her death. Why do (old) people think they deserve a life in heaven, only for giving their religion all their money before they die?
Why do people believe in heaven, hell or Eden at all? This is simply an illusion built up by other humans long time ago.
Read trough the Theodizee, think about who you praise and you will tell me that you did come to the same conslusion as me.
Dancing is one part of my life, next to gain attention, be an attraction and spending as much time with the people I love as possible.
There's not much to say here, maybe as an extra, I'm addicted to music and nicotin, that's all.
You may now ask yourself why you read through all that crappy writing. It isn't even built up well because I wrote it during work.
To answer you, I don't have to write much further:
You are one of the few great persons I admire for reading through the profiles of the people they're interested in, before sending friend request and as a conslusion I am sure you now love me and you now want to meet me, right? Right.
Make a cut in your life and become what you want to be if that hasn't already happened. Don't waste your life caring about others' opinions and realise that once,
all their hate you had to deal with will once turn into pure jeallousy.
Ending here.

What's your name?: Rene
Where are you from?: Germany, Bavaria, Wuerzburg
How old are you?: 18
Gender?: Male
Heritage/Race/Ethnicity?: European
Do you go to high school/college?: No
Do you have a job?: Yes
Do you have a vehicle?: No
Are you Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered?: Gay
Are you single/dating/in a relationship/rebounding?: Single / Dating
...Homo Stuff...
When did you realize you were queer?: 13
When was your first crush on a member of the same sex?: 15
Are you out?: Yes
What was that like?: Nothing special
Do your family/friends treat you differently?: No
Have you ever been discriminated against because you're a homosexual?: Only by jokes
When was your first real gay relationship?: 13
Ever been really, really in love?: No
How do you feel about gay marriage?: Great!
Are you sick of kissing breeders' asses?? (for normalcy): Yes
Do you think people "choose" to be gay, or that they're born this way?: Both
Do you believe in the "gay gene"?: No
How do you feel about gay bars?: Dunno, have never been to one
How do you feel about queer movies/books?: They're all boring crap
How do you feel about "fag hags" or people like them?: They're cool!
Are you proud?: YES
Active or passive?: Active only
Do you swallow?: Not very often
How often do you jack-off?: 0-1 times a day
Blowjob or Anal?: Anal preferred
...Your favorite...
Foods?: Everything
Books, authors?: I don't read
Sights?: Spectacular buildings
Feelings?: Fun, Drama
Smells?: Cake and Cookies
Sounds?: Crazy laughers
Things to do in your free time?: Computer, friends, oudoors
Drinks?: Liquor-RedBull
Quiet spot?: My room
Night spot?: Disco
Place to be kissed, touched..?: Everywhere
...Do you...
Like, or play sports?: Neither nor
Enjoy working out?: Used to
Play any instruments?: No longer
Sing (well) ?: Hell no
Sing in the shower?: No
Prefer staying in or going out?: Both
Smoke?: Yes
Care if people smoke when you don't?: No
Have tattoos?: No
Have piercings?: No
Honestly think a good personality, or good looks are more important?: Personality, but look isn't unimportant at all
Do anything creative?: RCE
Have crazy ex's that are just insane?: No
Like to dance?: Yes
Have any crushes?: Yes
Have a particular type?: Actually not, but I like Muscled guys, Beach Boys, Asian, Eastern Europe, Bad Boys and Turks/Arabian (Sorry, I know, I'd blame myself for this)
...What is...
Your biggest fear?: Got a lot, but worst is alone in the woods at night (Ever seen Blair Witch Project?)
Your biggest ambitions?: Leading my own life
Your best qualities?: I'm a typical gay, that should say enough
Your worst qualities?: I'm inpatient and too sarcastic
Your biggest turn-ons?: Muscles and shaved bodies
You biggest turn-offs?: Hairy guys and skinny boys
The song that you relate the most to?: The Reflecting God
The best thing you've ever done?: Not screwing my life because of laziness
The worst thing you've ever done?: You shouldn't ask ME about that
Wrong with America?: Yes and No

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The following links point to lyrics of songs by Marilyn Manson I really admire, read through them by chance!

Antichrist Superstar
Apple Of Sodom
Astonishing Panorama Of The End Of Times
Beautiful People
Coma White
Heart-Shaped Glasses (When The Heart Guides The Hand)
Irresponsible Hate Anthem
King Kill 33º
Mister Superstar
Mutilation Is The Most Sincere Form Of Flattery
Target Audience (Narcissus Narcosis)
The Fall Of Adam
The Fight Song
The Reflecting God
User Friendly


I like:
Hip-Hop / R'n'B / Crunk
(Cyber-)Industrial / Metal / Wave
House / Electro / Pop

I don't like:
Jazz / Blues / Raggea
German-Rap / Folklore
Techno / Trance

My Blog

MySpace bands

This entry is dedicated to all MySpace bands, or better said, their profiles.I cannot understand why so many upcoming bands wanna reach fame or popularity through MySpace, but neither have their music...
Posted by ReneRollercunt on Fri, 02 May 2008 03:55:00 PST