Before they passed... Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul 2, John Lennon and Jimmy Stewart!I would love to meet the Billy Graham, POD, Sandra Bullock "James" and her hubby Jessie James, MEG RYAN, Drew Barrymore, Kate Beckinsale, Ray Ramano and a few others
I would like to be able to go to a Third Day concert and meet Mack and the crew... to be able to tell them face to face what their music means to me and my family would be AWESOME!!! And to just see their faces and tell them that the Holy Spirit has such an annoiting on their music! that would rock!!! ~*~PLUS I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE BEEN TO EVEN ONE CONCERT! *long story* ~*~ I also would love to go to a POD concert to lol! What a thrill be be able to tell both bands in person what a blessed annointing they have on them and there music!~*~
And I would "LOVE" to meet Third Day! they are so swesome!