Psycho Sleepover Trailer
"Psycho Sleepover" is a horror/comedy feature film directed by Adam Deyoe and Eric Gosselin. After accidentally murdering her boyfriend, Debbie Dicky, moves to a new town and meets three girls who invite her to a sleepover. The very same night there is a breakout at the local insane asylum where forty serial killers escape and head over to crash the party. However, the girls at the slumber party might not be as helpless as the killers think.
Rachel Castillo
Emilia Richeson
Ariel Teal Toombs
Frainkie Frain
Tom Adrian Villalobos
Lenore Cutler
James Martin
Ryan Martin
Todd Pritchett
Kurt Kroeber
Paul Rust
Thom Sigsby
Adam Malamut
Nick Tully
With appearances by:
Howard "Chingy" Bailey (Hip Hop Music Artist)
Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp)
Lloyd Kaufman (Troma Films)
Delotta Brown (A Bunch Of Porn)
Coco Velvett (A Bunch Of Porn)
Nico Elise (A Bunch Of Porn)
Jandi Lin (A Bunch Of Porn)
Tommy Pistol (A Bunch Of Porn)
Gia Paloma (A Bunch Of Porn)
Here is part one of a documentary that Frankie Frain (Ugly Jen) made on set on the first weekend.
Here is part two of a documentary that Frankie Frain (Ugly Jen) made on set.