My name is Tulin Beyduz. Born in Germany but raised in New Zealand and adopted by a lovely New Zealand family. I am creative, compassionate person. I have much love for life and people. I worked as a hairstylist for 8 years and have also worked as a nanny in London/Norway. I am very carefree and have a very adventurous spirit. I am now back living the life in Australia. I work as a Hair-stylist but am thinking of maybe working in the mines for bit. I just bought a very cool scooter and a brand new puppy. I miss Londong but life is a lot easier in Brisbane
Myspace Backgrounds
ggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.
Extraversion (73%) high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
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Your Element Is Air
You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.
Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.
You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!
What's Your Element?
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