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♥Irish Princess ♥

About Me

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"You were the one who made things different, you were the one who took me in. You were the one thing I could count on, above all, you were my friend." - Tom PettyI am a very caring, outgoing girl who loves to have fun. I love to be around my friends and family and thrive off of people who laugh and like to have a good time. I just got married to the love of my life, Joe, on August 12th, 2006. We have been together for 7 years and I can't imagine my life without him. He's definitely a character and those that know him know what I mean. He will always make you laugh somehow! I have a pretty good sense of people and can read them like a book within 5 minutes. This can be good, this can be bad. It is something that I have grown into and something my mother has always been so good at. I am becoming my mother in a lot of ways which is ok with me but if you asked me 5 years ago I would have said no way! I guess that's part of growing up. I love children and have the cutest damn niece, Kerry. She makes me remember what life is all about. When I am having a bad day, she always makes me smile. I have also just been blessed with a new nephew and his name is Cody. He is a spitting image of my brother. I love him so much and when I am around him, I can't stop holding him. One day, hopefully sooner than later, I will have my own little bundle that will bring me the same joy. I cannot wait to be a Mom. I know it will be a challenge because I am very accustomed to the life Joe and I have now where I sleep as late as I want, go where I want, eat what I want, lay on the couch if I want...that will all change and that's ok. Just another chapter in my book. I love the beach and would be a professional beach bum if I could but we all know how that goes. There's just something about the sun, the sand beneath my feet and between my toes, and the water that makes me feel like I am home and at peace. There's no other feeling like it. Joe and I boat during the summer every chance we can. That's his passion and of course I don't mind it. We have a 31 foot Rinker Crusier and we love it! I love pizza. I could eat it all day. And of course, being a born and raised maryland girl, I am in love with Chesapeake Bay crabs and throw in some steamed shrimp with lots of old bay and I am ALLLL good! Those of you who know me, know that I can sometimes get very deep in conversation and other times just wander off in my own world. That's how I have always been. Joe loves me, my friends love me, my family loves me...I'm a very blessed individual. I couldn't have asked for a better life. This is me in a nut shell!Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.comMyspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.comMyspace Contact Tables

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

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If I could meet anyone, it would be my grandparents. I never got to meet my mother's parents and I can't remember my father's Dad. I wish I had the chance to know them and see if I have any of their traits! I think that would have been cool! I wish I could meet Sevendust, though I have been very close to that! I also wish I could have been best friends with Audrey Hepburn, Jessica Simpson and Tyra Banks. I think they are three of the most beautiful, influencial women in history.
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"There are those relationships that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."


I got this Sexy Comment from!Anyone will tell you I have a very diverse taste in music. I am a dedicated fan to my husband's band, Resist ( They are a cover band in the Baltimore area of hard rock music. You will catch me up front at every show rocking out like there's no tomorrow with my brother-in-law Jon.I also love country, pop, top 40, etc. There's no limit to what I like...well except maybe classical and jazz. I just can't seem to get into them. On a regular day you would hear me listening to 98 Rock. I am a very dedicated fan of Mickey, Amelia, and Josh Spiegel. I think they rock!I am a HUGE fan of the band Sevendust. I can't get enough of them. The first and only time I ever crowd surfed was at one of their concerts.MORGAN ROSE OF SEVENDUST-BEST DRUMMER EVER-WELL EXCEPT FOR JOE!! HEHEAlice in Chains is also my favorite! I could listen to them all day long.LAYNE STALEY-SINGER OF ALICE IN CHAINS RIPI also like Mudvayne,Pantera, Metallica, Slipknot,and a crap load of others. I love Rob Zombie and everything he does. His movies, his music...he's in a catagory of his own. I love his wife too, Sheri Moon Zombie.ROB ZOMBIE AND SHERI MOON ZOMBIEI do jam out to the occasional "death metal". You know, the music where they dig deep down in their soul and belt out something ungodly sounding. Yeah I like that sometimes and only because Joe has introduced me to that stuff. I never thought in a million years I would be listening to it but here I am!!And I still have my soft side. I love the girly music of course like Ashlee Simpson (love her!), Jessica Simpson, Kelly Clarkson, Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani, get the idea. I love music and I always have. It's like an escape for me. Growing up I always had music on whether I was in the shower, in my room, in my car, cleaning, working...I still have music on all day at work. I can't work without it!


Joe and I are huge movies buffs! We are always renting movies! I like anything from 40 Year Virgin to The March of the Penguins! Anything that has Will Ferrell in it is the top of my list! Joe and I love to see his movies any chance we can get.
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I am a TV freak! I love reality shows, especially Survivor. Don't call me at 8pm on Thursday's because you won't get a decent conversation out of me for the next two hours between that and Grey's Anatomy. Grey's Anatomy is probably the best show EVER besides Friends.I'm also a Lost freak! But really who isn't?! I love MTV and VH1 reality shows too, like the Real World, all the of Real World/Road Rules challenges, Laguna Beach, The Hills, True Life, Celebrity Fit Club, Surreal Life, Flava of Love, I love New York... I watch them ALL!! I love all of the drama!! haha I also love CSI Miami, CSI Las Vegas, Without a Trace, Cold Case, How I Met Your Mother, Two and a Half Men, New Adventures of Old Christine (did I just name the whole Monday night line up??!!) 48 Hours Mystery, 20/20...the list goes on and on. And I miss Friends so much!! I can watch re-runs over and over again and laugh like it was the first time I had seen it!!
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My mother. She is my rock and I cannot imagine my life without her.My father. He is the first man I ever loved and he has never let me down. My Aunt Lila. She was a mother to me and I miss her so much every day. She was a hero to me in so many ways. She was my confidant and someone that always saw the good in me. I miss her very much.