Jack Krauser (voiced by Jim Ward) is a mercenary hired by Lord Saddler and is responsible for Ashley's kidnapping. A former U.S. agent, he was once a friend of Leon until he was presumed dead in a helicopter crash two years before the events of the game. In reality, he was working with Albert Wesker and infiltrated Los Illuminados in order to procure the sample of Las Plagas to aid Wesker's plans to rebuild Umbrella. In addition to being a skilled knife fighter and archer, Krauser possesses superhuman speed, stamina, strength, can jump great distances, and gained the ability to transform his left arm into a giant mutated claw through unknown means.Krauser and Ada are both sent by Wesker to obtain the Plagas sample, but they soon openly turn on each other after Ada foils Krauser's initial attempt on Leon's life. Leon later fights Krauser again in a set of ruins on the island. At the end of this battle, Krauser is assumed to be dead. However, in the "Separate Ways" mini-game it is revealed that he survived his battle with Leon when he fights and loses to Ada. Krauser appears as the only boss in the "Assignment: Ada" mini-game. He is also a playable character in the "The Mercenaries" mini-game, in which his transformed arm can be used as a special attack by the player. In addition, the "Ada's Report" documentary expands on Krauser's role in the storyline...