^^Charlie the Cheater^^ profile picture

^^Charlie the Cheater^^

It's a Bhoys thing

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator My name is Christopher, MSN addy is [email protected] so add me if you want to. Play for Gossie City Dragons, but back the Mighty Tigers when it comes to first grade, specially as Grazz and E play for them. E Grazz and myself are the Co-Founders of what we are known as The Bhoys. E, aka Lizzy the Lizard would have to be one of the funniest cats I have ever met, but i do mean cat. Grazz aka Daddy dick... is a mad happening crazy arse Andre Gumprecht fan like ever, it will be funny as when he plays against The Entrance with Andre on the sideline. Other lads in The Bhoys include Lukey P, aka Grumpy Gorilla... The Fishaholic of the crew, this guy loves fish, he also needs to shave more than just his face, i think i will leave it at that, Vonny aka Sammy Sumarai... He is a high school drob out, what a bum! nah jks Von at least your going to beauty school aye, Scotty N aka Sly Snake... Pro Body boder in the making, he just needs to stop getting in the way of people tipping thier drinks out, and we cant forget the other super crazy Andre Gumprecht fan, Timmy W aka Wormy the Worm.. Funniest non cat I know and of The Bhoys will tell you the same, So if you think you like our Crew come on cme get drunk with us one night see if you can drink us under the table, Good Luck too, you'll need it.

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My Blog


At the beginning of time God was discussing the creation of the world with the Angel Gabriel. Leaning back on His golden throne, He told him of His plans for Scotland."Gabriel", said God "I am going t...
Posted by ^^Charlie the Cheater^^ on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 12:32:00 PST