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One, two, one, two, TWO, TWO.... good, this microphone seems to be working. Well, um, hello, it's Neil here. This section is titled about me, so, um, .. about me.... um, ..... well, I live in a really great but somewhat conservative seachange town in beautiful South OZ. Yes, that's just south of The Yellow Brick Road. My life revolves around my really cool (or is she hot ?? - I can never understand this language ??) lightworker wife Louise, and our 2 incredible crystal children.
I'm interested in environmental issues, with a particular interest in non-conventional, unusual, low energy, environmentally friendly housing. We have recently owner built our own passive solar home. You can look at some pics. of it HERE . We must have enjoyed building it so much that we followed that up with another house to rent out. Yes, we have some pics. of that too. HERE Neither house is completely finished, but I spose that's pretty normal when you build them yourself.
I love being outdoors, which isn't really a myspace thing --- even though you're meant to be able surf the internet, I've never found a rideable wave on myspace. But there is a great network of people who post blogs and bulletins on spiritual and personal development topics. I have an interest in what could loosely be termed 'new age'. I think that makes me a SNAG, but I don't know if that's a good thing or not ?? But coming from a scientific background I am sceptical of a lot of things, so don't just rush in and accept something that sounds good on the surface.
One of our long term visions is to put a number of these interests together and be part of a community with a focus on environmentally friendly housing with a non-religious spiritual basis, much like the Findhorn community in Scotland - a place to foster global and personal healing and well-being.
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