Old cars and motercycles. Finding 'em junk and makin 'em run. Huntin, fishin, campin, and just takin it easy. Crusin the river or just goin for a drive, apreciate life for what it is, and can be. I love the snow and the Wisconsin Country side. I miss just walkin through the woods and hearing the silence of the forest in winter. Just sitting and listening, its like your almost a part of the woods. Other than that, bein outside and goin fast. Hell yeah!
Blue Grass, Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Country, and even a little Rap and Techno here and there. I can stand to listen to anything, it just depends on how long. I've been told I can sing as long as its to a band such as Metallica or Godsmack.
Armagedon is by far my favorite, followed up by Tremors and BraveHeart. Mainly action thriller movies, but I can always find time to watch and old "Midnight Movie" (B-Movies) Chick flicks? I can watch them if I'm with the right person.
WE WILL FIND YOUReality TV. Take eight people and make them do cute little missions and watch them argue and fall in love and yell and cuttle. Who's reality is this? You want reality, film a guy who works eighty plus hours a week to provide for the family he barely sees. Film a guy running through the woods fighting a forest fire on no food or sleep for the last three days. Film the guy on the convoy who hasn't even had time to brush his teeth this week for the fear if he lets his guard down he may be shot. But if you want reality, don't watch it, live it, thats why its called reality. If TV is your reality, then I'm sorry for you, life is going to pass you by, just as I will.
Outdoor type stuff, what it was like back in the great frontier, taming the west, harnessing the mighty rivers of the north, riding the seas of yesterday. I love learning about how it was. From Historical Fiction, to actual biographical acounts from those who actually lived it. I can't put them down.
for cowboys/cowgirls only!
ford or chevy? Ford
diesel or gas? That depends, do you want the low end stump pullin power of a diesel, or the back road rippin horse power of a gas?
bulls or broncs? bulls
wrangler or cinch? Wrangler
lace up or pull on boots? I wear'em both
Justin or H&H? Justin
tail gating or line dancing? Tail gatin
george strait or chis ledoux? Chris Ledoux R.I.P. brother
mossy oak or real tree camo? I'm wearin my real tree slippers right now
bud or coors? Coors man myself
cope or skoal? I don't chew
do it for the buckle or the girls/guys? 'Cause the CHICKS DIG IT!
men belong in the... Drivers seat
women belong in the... right next to him, not behind him
beef or pork? BEEF BEEF BEEF!
hunting or fishing? both
drugs or jesus? Jesus, the big man all the way
stetson or resistol? stetson
bed of your truck or a motel? Bed of a truck, back of my car, or the bushes baby
texas or colorado? WISCONSIN!
ropin or wrestling? wrestlin
tatoos or scars? I've got alot of both
weekend at the rodeo or weekend with the love of your life? the love of my life at the fair
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or -Ever see that movie "Armagedon"? When the world is doomed the the rocket scientists and presidents and smart asses can't do a damn thing. Who do they call on? A crack pot team of rich boy faggots who fuck up to the point of nearly dooming the planet. And in comes "Billy Bob Smith" and "Blue Collar Joe" to save the fuckin planet from extinction. It brings the question to you, when the world is in perrel, who do you think is going to save it? That little white collared prissy bitch? Or that guy who has never seen anything as short as a fourty hour work week. Theres heroes out there, you just don't know it. And thats what makes them heroes. Just sleep safe tonight knowing that they are out there, on duty, three hundred and sixty five days a year.Here are your heroesTake a man and put him alone,Put him twelve thousand miles from home.Empty his heart of all but blood,Make him live in sand and mud.This is the life I choose to live,This is my soul to God I give.You have your parties and drink your beer,While young men are dying over here.Plant your signs on the White House lawn;"Lets get out of Iraq".Use your signs and have your fun,Then refuse to use a gun.There's nothing else for you to do,And I'm supposed to die for you?There is one thing that you should know;And that's where I think you should go!I'm already here and it's too late.I've traded all my love for all this hate.I'll hate you till the day I die.You made me hear my brother cry.I saw his wounds and blood he shed,And the corpsman say, "This one's dead".A very large price for him to pay,To let you live another day.He had the guts to fight and die,To keep the freedom you live by.By his dying, your life he buys,But who really cares if a jarhead dies?
'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com