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About Me

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For Honor, For Country, Fer Da BADONK-A-DONK!About me, hmmm..... well you can't really get to know me by lookin at a computer screen, but lets give it a shot hey. I'm a 21 year old Heavy Equipment Mechanic with the Marine Corps. I've been to several countries that I care not to list, I've been around the world, I've seen world leaders beg for help, and I've seen villages ravaged by greed, schools bombed, and the wonderfull cry of families as we arive. Some call me a hero, some call me evil. You could say I'm just doin my job. You could say I'm doing my duty. But at the end of the day, wether you feel I'm a sinner or a saint, just ask yourself, what am I? And who are YOU? Just remember the next time you hold that sign that protests the war, and what we are doing. Just think of that young girl who falls asleep wondring if her home will be invaded that night by the taliban, looking for the weapons they stashed under the floor of her home. Or if that suicide bomber will attack her village tomorrow. If she will even make it to school. If you believe what you see in the news, your an idiot. To hell with the press, if you want to know whats really going on, ask sombody who's been there, and not what you hear on the televison.PICTURE SITE!
Name: Nels "Hard Liquer"
Birthday: 8/24/85
Birthplace: Eau Claire WI
Current Location: a limestone floater in the West Central Pacific
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Height: 6'3"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Righty
Your Heritage: Irish, Scottish, Norweigen, Swedish, Boheimian and German
The Shoes You Wore Today: Steel Toe Combat Boots, and you can bet your ass there broke in
Your Weakness: Bullets
Your Fears: those acid spittin centipedes in the Philipenes, there like a foot long!
Your Perfect Pizza: Stuffed crust, sasuage, and extra cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: keep breathing
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: ?
Thoughts First Waking Up: savin the world again
Your Best Physical Feature: i'm told its my eyes
Your Bedtime: early to bed, early to rise
Your Most Missed Memory: AMERICA!
Pepsi or Coke: Sunkist
MacDonalds or Burger King: the Palms
Single or Group Dates: I prefer single, but I can do group
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: don't drink tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: if I have to, Cappuccino with a lot of creamer
Do you Smoke: Cigars
Do you Swear: yeppers
Do you Sing: too much
Do you Shower Daily: when I can, usually twice a day
Have you Been in Love: yes, and it hurts
Do you want to go to College: yep
Do you want to get Married: damn right
Do you belive in yourself: if you can't believe in yourself, who can you believe in?
Do you get Motion Sickness: twenty foot swells and San Miguel don't mix, trust me
Do you think you are Attractive: I hope I am, but it don't matter
Are you a Health Freak: I'm not dead if thats what you mean
Do you get along with your Parents: yep
Do you like Thunderstorms: hell yeah, thunder means rain-means mud-means fun!
Do you play an Instrument: drums back in the day
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: what kind of question is this?
In the past month have you been on Drugs: motrin
&..39;In the past month have you gone on a Date:' nope
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: negetive
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: o yeah
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no, but I used it for bait
In the past month have you been on Stage: yes
In the past month have you been Dumped: nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: thats a no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: thats another no
Ever been Drunk: judging by the pictures, yes
Ever been called a Tease: nope
Ever been Beaten up: when I was little, now, I'm not little
Ever Shoplifted: never stolen from a store
How do you want to Die: loud and messy
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I'm pretty much there
What country would you most like to Visit: home
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: it doesn't really matter
Favourite Hair Color: sucker for a redhead
Short or Long Hair: long
Height: usually shorter than me, but thats not hard to find
Weight: doesn't bother me
Best Clothing Style: faded jeans and flannel, I think women can be sexy in anything
Number of Drugs I have taken: fuck if I know, the docs are always givin us shit to take
Number of CDs I own: bout 150ish
Number of Piercings: are for women
Number of Tattoos: six or seven, depending on how you want to count them
Number of things in my Past I Regret: nothing, I've done some stupid shit, but learned from it, I wouldn't be who I am today if not for what I did yesterday
a - or -YOU KNOW YOU ARE A TRUE WISCONSINITE WHEN:1. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the Highway.2. "Vacation" means going up north past Hwy 8 for the weekend.3. You measure distance in hours.4. You know several people who have hit deer more than once.5. You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day and back again.6. Your whole family wears Packer Green to church on Sunday.7. You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching.8. You see people wearing camouflage at social events (including weddings and funerals ).9. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked.10. You think of the major food groups as beer, fish, and venison.11. You carry jumper cables in your car and your wife or girlfriend knows how to use them.12. There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at Mill's Fleet Farm at any given time.13. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.14. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.15. You refer to the Packers as "we."16. You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction.17. You can identify a southern or eastern accent.18. You have no problem pronouncing Lac Du Flambeau.19. You consider Minneapolis exotic.20. You know how to polka.21. Your idea of creative landscaping is a statue of a deer next to your blue spruce.22. You were unaware that there is a legal drinking age.23. Down South to you means Illinois.24. A brat is something you eat.25. Your neighbor throws a party to celebrate his new pole shed.26. You go out to fish fry every Friday27. Your 4th of July picnic was moved indoors due to frost.28. You have more miles on your snow blower than your car.29. You find minus twenty degrees "a little chilly." ............................................................ ..MORE WISCONSIN PRIDE! YOU GREW UP IN RURAL WISCONSIN IF.......... You know how to polka , but never tried it sober.... You know what knee-high by the Fourth of July means. You know it is traditional for the bride and groom to go bar hopping between the reception and wedding dance. You know the difference between "Green" and "Red" farm machinery, and would fight with your friends on the playground over which was better! You buy Christmas presents at Fleet Farm. You spent more on beer & liquor than you did on food at your wedding. You hear someone use the word "oof-dah" and you don't break into uncontrollable laughter. You or someone you know was a "Dairy Princess" at the county fair. You know that "combine" is a noun. You let your older siblings talk you into putting your tongue on a steel post in the middle of winter. You think Lutheran and Catholic are THE major religions. You know that "creek" rhymes with "pick". Football schedules, hunting season and harvest are all taken into consideration before wedding dates are set. A Friday night date is getting a six-pack and taking your girlfriend shining for deer. Saturday you go to your local bowling alley. There was at least one kid in your class who had to help milk cows in the morning... phew! You have driven your car on the lake. You can make sense of "upnort" and "batree". Every wedding dance you have ever been to has the hokey pokey and the chicken dance. Your definition of a small town is one that only has one bar. The local gas station sells live bait. At least twice a year some part of your home doubles as a meat processing plant. You think that the start of deer season is a national holiday. And finally...... Pop is the ONLY name for soda!! "
You Are 100% American
You're as American as red meat, semi trucks and shooting ranges.
Tough and independent, you think big.
You love everything about the US, wrong or right.
And anyone who criticizes your home better not do it in front of you! How American Are You?
You Are 84% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you! ?
You Are 8% Pure
You've been a very bad or boy...
And you probably enjoyed every minute of it.
Your IQ Is 130
Your Logical Intelligence is Above Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Exceptional A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
Your Career Type: Realistic
You are practical and mechanical.
Your talents lie in working with tools, mechanical or electrical drawings, machines, or animals.
You would make an excellent:
Carpenter - Diesel Mechanic - Electrician
Farmer - Fire Fighter - Flight Engineer
Forester - Locksmith - Locomotive Engineer
Pilot - Police Officer - Truck Driver
The worst career options for your are social careers, like social worker or teacher.Your results:
You are Iron Man Iron Man 95% Spider-Man 75% Hulk 70% The Flash 65% Superman 60% Catwoman 60% Supergirl 53% Green Lantern 50% Wonder Woman 43% Batman 40% Robin 38% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
Contact Tables @

My Interests

Old cars and motercycles. Finding 'em junk and makin 'em run. Huntin, fishin, campin, and just takin it easy. Crusin the river or just goin for a drive, apreciate life for what it is, and can be. I love the snow and the Wisconsin Country side. I miss just walkin through the woods and hearing the silence of the forest in winter. Just sitting and listening, its like your almost a part of the woods. Other than that, bein outside and goin fast. Hell yeah!


Blue Grass, Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Country, and even a little Rap and Techno here and there. I can stand to listen to anything, it just depends on how long. I've been told I can sing as long as its to a band such as Metallica or Godsmack.


Armagedon is by far my favorite, followed up by Tremors and BraveHeart. Mainly action thriller movies, but I can always find time to watch and old "Midnight Movie" (B-Movies) Chick flicks? I can watch them if I'm with the right person.


WE WILL FIND YOUReality TV. Take eight people and make them do cute little missions and watch them argue and fall in love and yell and cuttle. Who's reality is this? You want reality, film a guy who works eighty plus hours a week to provide for the family he barely sees. Film a guy running through the woods fighting a forest fire on no food or sleep for the last three days. Film the guy on the convoy who hasn't even had time to brush his teeth this week for the fear if he lets his guard down he may be shot. But if you want reality, don't watch it, live it, thats why its called reality. If TV is your reality, then I'm sorry for you, life is going to pass you by, just as I will.


Outdoor type stuff, what it was like back in the great frontier, taming the west, harnessing the mighty rivers of the north, riding the seas of yesterday. I love learning about how it was. From Historical Fiction, to actual biographical acounts from those who actually lived it. I can't put them down.


for cowboys/cowgirls only!
ford or chevy? Ford
diesel or gas? That depends, do you want the low end stump pullin power of a diesel, or the back road rippin horse power of a gas?
bulls or broncs? bulls
wrangler or cinch? Wrangler
lace up or pull on boots? I wear'em both
Justin or H&H? Justin
tail gating or line dancing? Tail gatin
george strait or chis ledoux? Chris Ledoux R.I.P. brother
mossy oak or real tree camo? I'm wearin my real tree slippers right now
bud or coors? Coors man myself
cope or skoal? I don't chew
do it for the buckle or the girls/guys? 'Cause the CHICKS DIG IT!
men belong in the... Drivers seat
women belong in the... right next to him, not behind him
beef or pork? BEEF BEEF BEEF!
hunting or fishing? both
drugs or jesus? Jesus, the big man all the way
stetson or resistol? stetson
bed of your truck or a motel? Bed of a truck, back of my car, or the bushes baby
texas or colorado? WISCONSIN!
ropin or wrestling? wrestlin
tatoos or scars? I've got alot of both
weekend at the rodeo or weekend with the love of your life? the love of my life at the fair
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or -Ever see that movie "Armagedon"? When the world is doomed the the rocket scientists and presidents and smart asses can't do a damn thing. Who do they call on? A crack pot team of rich boy faggots who fuck up to the point of nearly dooming the planet. And in comes "Billy Bob Smith" and "Blue Collar Joe" to save the fuckin planet from extinction. It brings the question to you, when the world is in perrel, who do you think is going to save it? That little white collared prissy bitch? Or that guy who has never seen anything as short as a fourty hour work week. Theres heroes out there, you just don't know it. And thats what makes them heroes. Just sleep safe tonight knowing that they are out there, on duty, three hundred and sixty five days a year.Here are your heroesTake a man and put him alone,Put him twelve thousand miles from home.Empty his heart of all but blood,Make him live in sand and mud.This is the life I choose to live,This is my soul to God I give.You have your parties and drink your beer,While young men are dying over here.Plant your signs on the White House lawn;"Lets get out of Iraq".Use your signs and have your fun,Then refuse to use a gun.There's nothing else for you to do,And I'm supposed to die for you?There is one thing that you should know;And that's where I think you should go!I'm already here and it's too late.I've traded all my love for all this hate.I'll hate you till the day I die.You made me hear my brother cry.I saw his wounds and blood he shed,And the corpsman say, "This one's dead".A very large price for him to pay,To let you live another day.He had the guts to fight and die,To keep the freedom you live by.By his dying, your life he buys,But who really cares if a jarhead dies?
'What will your obituary say?' at

My Blog

To Love A Marine

**Loving a Marine**Loving a Marine isn't always easy,and loving him is a high price to pay.Its loving him with nothing to hold,its being young, yet feeling old.Its having him whisper his love to you,i...
Posted by Nels on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 03:15:00 PST

Where will you sign?

MILITARY OATHS:US AIR FORCE OATH OF ENLISTMENT"I, (State your name), swear to sign away 4 years of my life to theUNITED STATES AIR FORCE because I know I couldn't hack it in the Army, because the Mari...
Posted by Nels on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:42:00 PST

Freedom isn't free

>       I watched the flag pass by one day, >       It fluttered in the breeze. >       A young Marine saluted...
Posted by Nels on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:34:00 PST

What the hell?

Can anybody tell me what the purpose of this "blog" thing is?  I'm a damn H.E. Mechanic, not a computer guy!
Posted by Nels on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 02:06:00 PST